Chapter 12

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Just a heads up, after writing this, I felt like the characters change their personality and its exactly what I wanted to do. They are more comfortable with each other now after their rough kinky sex. Just roll with it. It will come into play.


The morning came and Seamus and James get blinded by the sun shining on them.

"What the fuck?" James grumbled, his eyes squinting. Seamus hissed at the light and pulled the sheets over him.

Then they both notice, the blonde blushes and the other was wide awake smiling. They both very naked under the sheets and they both very very close to each other. "Morning beautiful." James lifted the sheets, whispered and kissed his forehead.

"G-good morning," Seamus blushed even harder. James chuckled and kissed him on the lips and Seamus kissed back, of course. I think that kiss got him out of his system.

"Thank god there's no school today," James pulls away. "Whadda want for breakfast? I got eggs and bacon, if you want,"

"Y-yeah, ok just let me put some clothes on," Seamus stands up.

James pouts, "Do you have to?" The blonde smiled and shook his head.

"Shut up." He threw James' shirt at him. The other laughed and put only his pants on, that's how he wore his pjs anyways.

He ran downstairs but at the last step he felt like something was missing. He looked his in his pants to see if he had boxers on, check. He looked in the mirror if anything was missing, nope. Just to make sure he checked inside his boxers if Seamus cut off his dick or something, whew thank the lord. What was missing then?

"Why don't I smell bacon and eggs yet?" Seamus came down fully clothed. "James?"

"Is something missing? I feel like something is missing."

"Well if someone else lived here, they are gone," James' eyes wided. "Its just you and me."

"Did you hear anyone in the morning, other than me?" He asked the hungry blonde. "No, who else lives here?"

"My mother. She is always downstairs, either working on bills or watching tv," James looked at the fridge. "She would always leave a note here."

"Maybe she forgot?" Seamus suggested and James nodded.

"Yeah," He breathed out. "Maybe, I'm just freaking out."

Seamus came over to him and kissed his cheek, "If something happens we'll call someone." James pecked him on the lips back.



"James stop," Seamus looked at James.

"Come on." James tried to pulled the other out of the chair . "Can we play? For a bit?"

"No, James," Seamus rolled his eyes. "I don't have the time right now to play. I have to edit."

"Please?" James hovered Seamus' ear and whispered. "If we do, you'll get a treat at the end."

Seamus shivered, "Alright."

"Yes! Lets go to the park!" James jumped happily.

"Wait what?"


"This is my treat?" Seamus browed at James. "Icecream?"

"What? This is a treat! Icecream is a treat." Seamus rolled his eyes, then his phone rang and he picked it up.


"Your voice doesn't seem so girlish anymore... well not as much."

"Who is this?"

"Oh you don't remember me? You don't remember my voice screaming at ya and yelling at your mother? How is she, by the way? Is her scars feeling better?"

*twisting the end of my moustache and mouthing* Don't you remember? *smiling*


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