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“you ok?” the mint-haired asked.

it was four o'clock in the afternoon, and yoongi's mom had left for work. the other just sighed as he snuggled deeper into the other's chest.

“yeah, I'm feeling a little better..” hoseok's eyes were lined with fatigue, because he had hardly slept.

a few moments of awkward silence passed before yoongi spoke up.

“wanna go to the park?”

“a-are you sure we should go somewhere? w-what if my father, or j-jungkook-” he brought his pointer finger up to his lips.

“it'll be fine, don't worry. ok?” hoseok nodded softly.

“good, you packed clothes right?” another nod.

“then go get changed.” the boy immeditaly did as he was told.

while the other was gone, yoongi thought over his situation;

1: This boy was being abused by his father, and didn't tell anybody since he was 5.

2: Apparently, his boyfriend did too.

3: He was hiding something, that something was the source of his lack of wanting to live any longer.

and yoongi was going to be the one to change that.

“i'm back..” a soft voice called from behind him.

“oh good.” he turned around and, yoongi swore he stopped breathing for a second.

he wore a oversized brown sweater that gave him sweater paws, with a plaid skirt and high top leather boots.

“does it look that bad?”

yoongi snapped out of his trance, “n-no! you look, amazing.”

“o-oh... thanks..!”

“let's go then.”
“this place is nice..” the boy said as he sat down in the booth.

“yeah,..’ the sun was shining through the window, making hoseok look all the more bright. ‘it is.”

once they got their orders, (hoseok got hot chocolate, he doesn't like coffee), they started telling jokes and giggling.

a brown-haired boy walked into the shop, his arm on a girl's waist.

the red-head started to panic, breathing rapidly.

“what's wrong-” the boy hid his face in the other's hoodie.

“h-h-he's here.”

“who?” the mint-haired's eyes eventually caught by a boy he had seen at school before.

jungkook, was his name.

“why are you scared?”

“h-he's the boyfriend I was talking about.”

“what? I thought he was single! I didn't know..” the older cut himself off when he was making his way to their table.

“oh, hey yoongi. who's that behind you?”

“...a friend.”

“what's his name?”


“kookie! c'mere~” the girl squealed.

“well, gotta go.” he stuffed his hand in his pocket and walked off to the other side of the café.

hoseok let out the breath that he didn't know he was holding. “t-thank you!”

“you're welcome, what's he doing with a girl, is this..”

“..the first time he's cheated? no...” he took another slow sip of his hot cocoa. “he said they were just friends, but when I started asking more..” he gently moved a bang from his forehead, a faded red scar showing.

“that's when the abuse started?” a nod.

“sorry if I'm burdening you-”

“hoseok, now would you think of yourself like that?”

“because, that's what everyone says..” he bit his lip nervously.

“well, I'm not everyone else, and you're beautiful, and will never be a burden, ok?” yoongi placed his large hands on the other's small ones.

“ok...” a smile that could light up the world, one that yoongi promised to keep there.
A/N: aw so cute 💖🤗

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