Aubrey Pierce was the bad ass of her town. She wore leather jackets, combat boots, and drove a motorcycle. She may have appeared to be living the good life, but trust me she wasn't. After Aubrey turned 18, she moved to a town in California called Oa...
♠Aubrey Pierce ♠ Gif of Cara Delevingne as Aubrey Pierce
Beep. Beep. Beep.
I groaned and shut off my alarm. It was my first day at Oakdale High. You may be wondering why I came in the first place. Well, for starters, I just got out of the foster care system, seeing as I'm 18. I decided to come back and find out what traumatized me when I was 14. I got panic attacks, PTSD, depression, anxiety, you name it. Dogs scare the living shit out of me, same with forests and loud noises, but not as bad as dogs. I wanted to find out what damaged me so horribly.
Anyways, I got up from my crappy bed in my crappy apartment and took a shower. After about 10 minutes, I got out and threw on a grey t-shirt, black skinny jeans, and my leather jacket. After running through my room, I found my combat boots and walked into the living room.
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I slipped on my aviators as I exited my apartment with my full face helmet and bag. Yes, helmet. I just so happen to own a motorcycle. I guess it is kinda weird I own a motorcycle and am scared of loud noises, but I just cringe and block them out.
As I drove down the road, I started to remember my life back where I came from. I moved here from Chicago and let me tell you, it was already way different. I came to a halt at a stoplight; music blaring through one headphone in my ear. Yes, it is legal to wear one headphone whilst driving in California. Yes, I checked.
I looked to my left and saw a fancy looking sports car. I could just barely see through the windshield. Inside were five boys who appeared to be jamming out to something good. The one in the passenger seat slapped the one in the driver's seat and pointed towards me. I raised my eyebrow, though they couldn't see it. The driver's eyes bugged as he looked over my bike. I took his blindness of my face to my advantage and smirked cockily. Of course.
The driver smirked to himself and revved his engine. My anxiety spiked at the sound. Oh boy this is about to get cliche. I revved my engine back and rolled my eyes. As soon as the light turned green I sped off. Yes, this is going to get cliche. I raced down the road, turning sharply and precisely. I calculated the road up ahead with my eyes. In the distance, I could see red and blue. It's the po-po. I decided where and when to do it. Just as we reached a new street, I slowed down considerably. From what I could see, the boys were surprised. I smirked and kept on going, watching as the cop they had unknowingly passed sped after them.
The boys skidded to a stop as they saw the lights, letting me pass them. In my mirror, I saw a very pissed off group of boys. To add the cherry on top of the cake, I flipped them the bird and sped off. Guess who just got even more confident? Moi.
The rest of the ride was uneventful and filled with sighs. I reached Oakdale High in five minutes tops. Either I love speeding or I just live close. We both know which is the truth. As I pulled into the parking lot and came to a stop, the boys I saw earlier drove in behind me. They quickly parked and came over to me. I hadn't even gotten off my bike before the driver started ranting about the ticket he received.
"Look man, I don't know how the hell you knew about that cop, but that is a $300 ticket! That was some foul play, bro!"
I quickly rolled my eyes and got off my bike. "Are you planning on p-" He started. During his tantrum, I had taken off my helmet and quickly put on my aviators. His eyes bugged much like they did when he saw my bike. Now I'd like to say that I was a pretty average girl. I was blonde with blue eyes, I was 5'5", and I had a 4.0 GPA. Except for the scars, I'd be a pretty average girl.
I raised my eyebrow ever so slightly. I love teasing people. "I-uh I w-was just say-saying that, uh are you new here?" He stumbled over his words. I laughed to myself and replied with a nod.
"I'm Alex Black." Alex stated. I just rolled my eyes and grabbed my bag and helmet. When started walking into the school, some sort of messed up deja vu hit me. That sense made me confused. If never been here in my life. Why am I getting this?
I stumbled over my feet a bit as I thought. I may have had a reputation in my old school, but I definitely didn't now.
"Hey? Are you okay there?" Alex asked from behind me. If I would've known he was behind me, I wouldn't have stopped walking. I nodded as I continued to walk. I'm fine. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
By the time I got to my first class, it was half way over. I may have gotten lost in this place. Me being the disrespectful child I am, I just walked into the classroom. I kinda just stood there in silence as the class stared at me. I would like to assume I looked pretty mysterious. A new girl wearing a leather jacket, pretty jacked up helmet hair, and sunglasses inside. Oof.
The teacher cleared his throat and looked at me. "You must be Aubrey. I'm Mr. Wilson." Mr. Wilson greeted me. I nodded slightly and tapped my foot a bit. He raised his eyebrow at me. "Are you gonna say anything?" Oh God. I am so sure that it says I'm mute in the file that I would bet my bike. Lucky for me, I came prepared. I had a sticky note in my pocket that said "I'm mute" on it. I sighed and pulled the stick note out and handed it to him. He quickly read it and took in a breath.
Damn no need to be so dramatic. Mr. Wilson looked up and said, "I'm sorry, Aubrey. I did not know that." I stiffly nodded and walked to the back of the room, plopped in a chair, and discretely put a headphone in.
Just as I was about to drift off into my slumber, a girl spoke. She was a red head sitting towards the front. "Sir? Isn't it against school policy to wear sunglasses in class?" She asked. This girl just got the number one spot on my hate list.
Mr. Wilson replied, "Yes, Miss Gray. Why do you ask?" "Because the new girl still has hers on." 'Miss Gray' responded. All heads turned to me as I stared. I sighed and looked at Mr. Wilson as if to say 'Do I have to?' "Yes, Aubrey. Take them off." Once again, I sighed and sat up. Slowly, I reached for my glasses. Quickly, I pulled them off. I heard gasps from all around me. They saw two things. My scars...