the leather recliner

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translated from a ziam fic by orphan_account on ao3


"babe, can you get me a tissue?" troye asked, sniffling a little as he spoke.

"course, love! anything else you need? soup? blanket? hot water bottle?" jacob replied eagerly, rushing to his boyfriend's side. he took troye's hand, kneeling by the sofa and looking up into his eyes. they were scratched and red and watery, but breathtakingly beautiful all the same.

"jake, sweetheart, you really don't have to- *achoo*- don't have to go to all this trouble for- *achoo*- for me. all i've got is a bit of a cold!" he let out a giggle, finding the lengths at which his boy would go to help him combat a humble case of the sniffles quite absurd.

jacob hurried away, fetching a tissue from the box in the kitchen and returning to where troye was sat on the couch.

"don't be ridiculous. you're my precious troye, i've gotta look after you. how about i get you that blanket, eh?"

troye nodded, so he leaned across to the leather recliner in the corner and snagged the grey knitted throw from upon it. for no reason jacob could discern, a wave of emotions began to wash over him. he stared at the recliner for a time, smiling at the memories it provoked. early morning cups of tea, late night drunken antics, countless hugs and kisses in front of the fire, all so precious because they were spent with his darling troye.

"jake? are you... okay?"

jacob snapped his head back, realising he had tears welling in his eyes.

"shit, sorry, yeah, i'm fine."

troye wrapped the blanket around him, swaddling it so that only his face and a little of his hair was showing. he reached his hand out to the boy, noticing the glaze that had come over his eyes.

"aww jacob, you're crying! what's wrong?"

jacob smiled at the sight of troye, swaddled up like a baby, his baby, looking at him with those spectacular eyes that always made him weak. he couldn't understand how someone so perfect was real, and that he belonged to him.

"i love you troye." was all he managed to choke out, before falling apart completely and letting the tears stream down his face.

"love you too babe, so much." troye replied, a little confused by the situation, but touched, still.

"can i snuggle with you?"

"n-no jake, i don't want you to get sick. you're far too pretty to be sitting on the couch sniffling and sneezing all day." he grazed jacob's cheek with his knuckles, giggling at the fond smirk that spread across his lips.

"what's your excuse then, mellet?" he laughed, scooting himself closer to troye and attempting to bust open the bundle he'd contained himself in. troye held it tight, not letting jacob join him.

"i'm serious, my darling, you're gonna get sick if you sit with me."

the same smirk returned to jacob, and he pressed his body on troye's despite the warning.

"good thing i'm too in love with you to care..."

jacob slowly leant in, pressing his lips softly on those of his boyfriend's. he cupped troye's left cheek with one hand, the other tangling in the boy's hair. he couldn't help it, it felt so good to touch him again after a week of self-quarantine. troye placed his hands on jacob's hips, pulling them so that all of his weight fell forward and he was lying beneath. taken a little by surprise, jacob broke the kiss and lifted his face from troye's. he peered fondly at troye's cute little face, his nose red and his cheeks flushed. he attached a kiss to the tip of his nose, then went back to his lips, kissing them playfully while sitting up slightly on the boy's torso.

"jacob..." troye mumbled softly between kisses, sending a shiver down jacob's spine.


"i'm gonna sneeze."

the pair giggled, the sound of their laughter as natural as the crackling fireplace, glowing in the corner.

"god you're so cute."

"well th- *achoo*"he sneezed meekly, scrunching up his nose and crinkling his eyes, his eyebrows furrowing. if it were possible to be an adorable sneezer, jacob believed troye certainly was.

"they say it's a gift. what can i do?" he said sarcastically, sliding a hand up jacob's back and pulling his to his chest.

jacob immediately relaxed, propping his head on troye's upper torso and listening to the rhythmic beat of his heart.

troye relaxed, too. he felt jacob's muscles release, and his breathing slow til he reached the beginnings of sleep. he nuzzled jacob's head under his chin and took a deep breath, or as deep as someone with intensely blocked sinuses could. and at that very moment, he was so content, calm, blissfully happy. his soulmate, his boyfriend, his whole world, his most beautiful memories- all contained within that room. and he knew, everything he's ever wanted was lying in his arms, peacefully sleeping without a care.

"i love you jacob." he said, to no-one but himself. it felt amazing to say it, to acknowledge jacob as his to love.

"... hm?"

troye felt a sting of panic, feeling terrible for waking the boy.

"shh... close your eyes." he said, stroking jacob's forehead gently. he cocked his head to quite an unnatural position in order to kiss him, just a centimetre lower than the beginning of his gorgeous soft brown hair.

he felt jacob's eyelashes flutter on his skin as he began to again search for sleep. troye could feel himself drifting as well, his eyelids were heavy and the rise and fall of his chest became softer. just on the edge of consciousness, he heard a whisper.

"love you too tro, more than you could ever imagine."

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