Chapter 2

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[Reader's POV]

The sound of both of our footsteps echoed off of the walls as we approached Mr. Jeon's cell.

He never stayed in a regular cell with another inmate, he says in a small room by himself in order to put others out of harms way.

"Ready?" My boss asked as we reached the room. I nod my head once and watch him unlock the cell door.

The foor creeks open and inside sits Jeon Jungkook, on the floor with his hands in his laps as his attention is focused on the small window. His back was to us so there was no way to see how he reacted to the sudden noise.

"Who is it?" He spoke with a raspy voice, obviously he had just woken up. Mr. Jeon slowly turns around and faces us. "Ah isn't my favorite person and her boss."

I scowl. "Good evening Mr. Jeon, Y/n and I are here to give you some important news." My boss spoke.

Jeon raised his brow. "Oh really? Finally seeing I'm innocent?" He asked.

I open my mouth to speak but close it the moment I notice the harsh glare my boss was giving me. "Something like that," He said. "You are being released, however, there's a catch."

The inmate looked over at me then back at my boss. "Does it involve Y/n?" He asked.

"It does actually," Jeon had stood up at this point but chose not to come any further. "You will be released out into the real world, but you'll be under watch for ten months by Y/n. Staying in the same home and sleeping in the same room for ten months. Understand?"

Jeon nodded his head. "Is this know who?" He asked making my eyebrow raise in confusion as my boss nodded his head. "Great. Just what I needed." He griped.

I look over at my boss who just gave me a looking of warning, something telling me I'm gonna have to watch over this boy more than I thought.

After a moment of silence, he spoke. "When will I be getting released?"

"The bus should be here any moment, I will have a guard come in here and help you gather your things while I speak with Ms. Y/n about location and other things." My boss said before walking out as I trail not too far behind him.

After I had heard the door lock behind us it gave me time to ponder who Jeon and my boss were talking about and why they didn't tell me beforehand.

I follow my boss back into his office and sit down, waiting for him to speak. "Now I'm sure you have a lot of questions as to who this person Mr. Jeon and I mentioned is but that is none of your concern as of right now. There will come a time when you will know who this mystery person is but right now Mr. Jeon is safe and out of harms way,"

I nod my head. "I understand sir," I really didn't. "Now can you please tell me where the apartment is located and any other things?"

"The apartment is located in the country side if Korea, its a quiet deserted place. The neighbors are kind and quiet meaning you won't have any disruptions what so ever. You already know the rules and everything that will be provided for you," He said. "Like I told Mr. Jeon the bus should be here any moment so I suggest you going home and gathering your clothes, bathroom essentials and anything else you need."

I nod my head before remembering one important thing. "Wait, did you say no animals?" I ask and he unfortunately nods his head. "I have a puppy at home sir, I can't just leave him." I say.

"I'll call Taehyung to take care of your dog for the time being, I do apologize." My facial expression saddens. I love that dog with my whole ass heart and for him to be taken away from me for ten months really breaks my heart. Luckily he's going to a good person, someone I can trust.

I stand from my seat and walk over to the door. Before I could walk out he called my name. "Thank you and good luck." He said. I smile as I walk out of the room.

This was going to be a long ten months.



I kinda like this chapter. What do you think this mystery person did to jungkook?

Thanks for reading!

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