weary emoji

62 1 4

Ugh Fi doesn't have a personality and coming up with one is hard because i keep trying to make her me and im dead...


SS Zelda: *inside crystal*
SS Link: is this loss
SS Zelda: *shatters crystal instantly* wow, okay-

BotW Link: Babe, can you pass the butter?
Sidon: *reaches for the butter*
BotW Zelda: *also reaches for the butter*
Riju: *enters room with butter* you need this?
Paya: *runs in with seven sticks of butter* Sorry! Here you go!!!
Mipha: *materializes from spirit realm with Ghost Butter™* It is my pleasure-
Everyone all at once: what the fuck

TP Link: what did you fix?
Midna: e v e r y t h i n g
*explosions and screams in the distance*
TP Link: everything except that apparently

*Skyward Sword cutscene where Zelda wakes up*

Groose: How's the most beautiful person in the world doin-
Ghirahim: *comes out from behind pillar* I'm fine, thanks

Rando on the Streets: so like... what are you?
Sheik: a badass
Rando: no like dude or-
Sheik: I'm a Sheikah
Rando: whats between your legs goddamnit???
Sheik: A hidden knife. How did you know something was there?

Mayor Bo: *washing a horse* Ilia, I don't want you hanging out with Link anymore.
Ilia: Why not?
Mayor Bo: I just get weird vibe-
TP Link: *from inside horse* Yeah, why not???
*screams and incoherent yelling*

BotW Link: Dude thats illegal-
Revali: I'm not taking any advice from you. You pronounce the "P" in receipt.

SS Zelda: I wish I could make boys really nervous.
SS Impa: Holding a sharp knife up to their neck works well from my experience.
SS Link: as a boy, I can confirm that that makes me really nervous *glances at Ghirahim*
Ghirahim: okay, that was for my JOB. We all gotta get paid somehow,,,,

Urbosa: good morning
BotW Zelda: good morning
BotW Link: good morning
Revali: good morning
Mipha: You all sound like robots! Liven up a bit!
Mipha: *composes self*
Mipha: *slams face into wall*

Lana: Never break anyone's heart! They only have one.
Cia: lmao break their bones they have like 200 of them

(i spelled Niko's name wrong last time please dont hang me)

Tetra: I wanna steal something
Niko: No way!
Tetra: What? We stole Link...
Niko: Link is his own person who can do whatever he wants
WW Link: I'm down to steal

TP Link: since when was babysitting these kids my... wait thats always been my joB

SS Link: Hey Fi! I made you a friendship bracelet!
Fi: Oh... I'm not really the type to wear jewlery...
SS Link: Oh... okay. I'll throw it a-
Fi: *crying* gimme that shit im wearing it forever

Midna: Are you nervous?
TP Link: Yeah...
Midna: Is it your first time?
TP Link: No I've been nervous before.

Ghirahim: Damn, it's hot in here *unbuttoning shirt*
SS Link: okay but why the FUCK are you unbuttoning my shirt

SS Zelda: *trying to open bottle* this lid is being an asshat
*in heaven or whatever*
Nayru: Wonder where she got that from... HYLIA
Hylia: the Bazaar, asshat

Mipha: Why would anyone want to hurt this precious bean Link?
Revali: Maybe because they met him?

TP Ganondorf: And how do The Hero and Midna get out of these messes?
Zant: They usually just make a bigger mess that cancels out the first one.

*start of first Ghirahim fight*

*You Spin Me Right Round starts playing*

Ghirahim: wait fuck

*Ghirahim Battle Theme starts playing*

Cia: Are you guys s e r i o u s l y scared?
Wizzro: lmao no, i've already lived longer than i expected so im good

BotW Zelda: Wait,,,,,are you flirting with me??
BotW Link: I have been for the past year, thanks for noticing.

Ghirahim: *summoning Demise*

Fi: if Demise doesn't show up in 15 minutes, we're legally allowed to leave.

Midna: Think fast. Die young. Leave one sexy beast of a corpse.

OoT Link: Ruto, what would you give me if i got this Deku Seed in your cleavage from over here?
Ruto: A concussion :)))))

Midna: so Zant, I checked your internet history...
Zant: uhh i can explain
Midna: its just pages and pages of bionicles... are you okay???

Tatl: Skull Kid. Give me the Ocarina.
Skull Kid: What? Why?
Tatl: You've been playing Cotton Eyed Joe for the past seventeen hours. We need to sleep.
Skull Kid: Fine. *hands over ocarina*
Skull Kid:
Skull Kid: *looks around*
Skull Kid: *pulls out another ocarina*

BotW Zelda: I have the urge to do something stupid
BotW Link: I'm stupid. Do me.
BotW Zelda:
BotW Link: 
BotW Link: did i just say that out loud

[Africa by Toto playing in the distance]
Midna: what the fuck is that *looks up*
TP Link: *dancing in the window while pointing at Midna* itS gOnNA TakE A LOt to drAG mE aWay fROm yOUUUUUUU
Midna: oh

Random Zelda StuffWhere stories live. Discover now