Daytrip Of Doom!

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(okay Im starting on episode two okay?Okay)

(E/C)- eye color

(H/L)- Hair length

(H/C)- hair color

(F/O)-favorite outfit

(F/H/S)- favorite hairstyle

(N/N)- nick name

Normal pov

you were a thief. Your history was weird. You started with the (L/N) family but then you left. your parents were crazy. Then you lived on your own. you used and manipulated people. WHen you were 7 Glom gold took you in for like a month or two, when you were 9 Ma Beagle took you in as her 'adopted duck dauthor' but it all came down when you tried taking everything from her leading to her kicking you out. then about a month or two ago Mark beaks let you work for him and you gave him the idea of project ta-da (later episode) but he fired you because he didn't want people you came up with that idea and among other places. Now, you were alone again. there was one guy you would never try to steal from. Scrooge McDuck! for some reason you always wanted to be like him but you didn't know how. and you heard that Scrooge's is with his family you sighed as you walked through the bad part of town. 

You walked until, you saw Huey, Dewey, Louie, Webby walking around. you smirk and follow them. You followed until you saw the beagle boys. you saw them looking at them and you evesdrop to hear them talking about kidnapping.  when the small one leaves you wlaked to Burger and the big one you than says, "the beagla boys long time no see!" the boys smile and hug you saying, "(Y/N)!"  you fake a smile and hug them they let you go and you then says, "what are you two doing?!" the big one then says, "we can't tell you. you aren't with us anymore" you look down and says, "oh i get it" they then trie to stop you but you say, "I-i thought you care more. I mean we were family once. I always thought of you two big brothers!" they then agreed to tell you and so they did. after they told you- you had to try not to roll your eyes. you knew ma beagle wasn't going to like it but to make sure she got mad you smile and says, "that might work! you should totally do that!" the big one then says, "really?" you then smile and says, "totally!" they then says, "o-okay (Y/N)!" you then say, "glad to help Bu-bye!" then so you walked away and you follow the kids once more.

once you went to where they were going, you then saw Louie and Webby walkover to the punch tables and you sat by them and you hear their conversation "Webby, your money is no good here." webby then says, "What do they take? I have pounds, pesos, rubles." louie than says, "The oldest currency in the world." webby then guess, "Ancient obsidian rune stones?" louie then says, "No, flattery. Ahem. I can't tell. Is that the heat lamps or your natural glow?" jane then says, " Oh, Mr.Duck, the usual?" louie then says, " Yep. One free cup for water, please." webby then says, " That's not water." louie then says, " It's all part of the system." he points to webby and says, "You try." she walked up to the lady and says, "Hey, you. Uh Ja-nay." jane then corrects, "It's Jane." webbu then says, " I'm Webby. I was hoping you could hook a gal up with one of those free water cups. You know, fruit punch." louie face palm and jane ask, "You sure you don't want it for water?" webbu then says, "Yes, for water. Fruity water that really packs a punch." you sigh and mumble, "i've heard enough!" you walked up to her and wrap your arm around her shoulder and you say, "sorry my new friend doesn't get out bunch anymore because bad people was around her and shes use to this and I will ask for a water cup please" jane sighs and hand you one saying, "here you go ma'am" and she walks away and you put punch in the water and you hand it to her and you say, "here" webby takes it and says, "....Thanks!" you smile and say, "no prob" she takes a sip and you look over to see Louie smiling at you weirdly. once webby was gone taking her sip she says, "Oooh Fruit Punch it taste GREAT!" the manger came out and says, "WHAT?" you sigh and say to her, "maybe a little more work" the manger than says, "There a problem here? What did I tell you about handing out freebies, Jane? You pay for that punch," louie then says, "Duck? I was just about to. Yeah. Thanks, Webby." he walked off with the manager. she looks down and you wrap her arm around her and say, "aww its okay" webby looks up at you and ask, "who are you?" you smile and say, "your new friend, maybe?" Webby smiles and hug you saying, "OF COURSE YOU HELPED ME WITH PUNCH!" you smile and webby says, "let look for my other friends!" she took your hand and she drapped you somewhere else.

once she found Dewey, she walked up to him playing a game he look at you and says, "webby whos your new friend" webby then says, "she-s wait whats your name" she smile and say, "(Y/N)" dewey started playing the game again and he asks, "last name?" you didn't want them to knoe your family but then you thought 'well I'm pretty sure their dead soo' "(L/N)" webby then read something out loud, " Uke Or Puke? Behold, the best game ever created! Japanese import. There's only one in the U. S. and I have the top ten score, so I'm pretty much the best in the country. You gotta try this." he hands her the guitar and she says, " I don't know. I've never actually played a computer game." dewey then ask, "Do you play an instrument?" she then answer saying, "I took seven years of cello." you smile and say, "you gotta show me your skills!" webby smile and says, "yes" dewey then says, "Same thing." webby then did her first strum and dewey says, "Oh! Your first strum. Cherish it." you laugh as webby play for a while until funsos whowas the beagla boys tounched her should and you say, "what nO!" and they fall tot he ground unplugging the game dewey scream and runs over and plugs it showing all his work was gone dewey then says, "My scores. No!! It's like I don't even know you anymore." webby looks down and you wrap your arm around her shoulder and wlaks away.

later, you two were sitting by the ball pit and you say, "i think their a thing where we can sing c'mon i think it will be fun" webby then frowns, "I would because your great but I will just ruin that too" you then say, "no way!" you sit down with a frown and you mumble, "you sure?" she then say, "its fine" she stand up but falls in the ball pit. you frown and jump in and a voice say, "Room for three more? " webby then ask, "You guys aren't mad I ruined Funso's?" louie then says, "Please.Funso's is a place of magic and wonder and light." Dewey then says, "Think fast! " dewey then threw balls at you two and you threw balls at him but webby start to stink and webby says, "Wait. What's happening?!" huey then says, "Nope, you're fine." webby then says, " It's a trap. I'm sinking." you then scream, "no wait your not-" but you moved your head right in time if you didn't you would have got hit in the face with webbys grappling hook. to flew around the whole place untill the manger came out and wbeby appeared and says, " I'm Webby."

the manger push you five out, and says, "you are banned from Funso's for life." the mager looks at you and says, "heey didn't we already ban you!" he pointed at you and you say, "did you? i didn't notice" the mnager sighs and says, "funso, take them out." the beagla boys came and says, "With pleasure.Call Ma."

later, you five were tied up and you mumble, "i'm surprise they tied me up!" huey then ask, 
"why?!" you then look at them and ask, "how do you know me?" he then answers, "louie told us" you sighs and says,  "figured" the door open and the four start to plead for them to let you guys out and ma was about to lcose the door until she notice you and says, "wait is that!?" she walked up to you and you look up and she slapped you across the face.hard. the four kids gasp and ma says, "How dare you show your face after what you did!" she then slapped you again and you look up at her and says, "oh I'm sorry Mother!" she gasp and slap you again she then scream, "DON'T YOU DARE CALL ME THAT AFTER WHAT YOU DID!" she then walked out and you look at the boys who was looking at you. you look at them foir a second and you move so they couldn't see your face you then say, "...I just need a  minute" you heard webby growl and she untied herself she then say, "no one hurt my new friends!" she then untied you and the boys ask, "I'll just You could slip out of those ropes the whole time? " webby then says, "Well, yeah. That's, like, Being Captured 101." louie then says, "So why didn't you?" Webby then says, "Because I don't want you to think I'm weird. I've been stuck in the mansion for so long, and I'm trying really hard to be normal. But everything I do is, you know, not." the boys look at each other and dewey then says, " Normal's overrated. We need you to be Webby-normal." webby then untied them and you untied your self and you say to webby, "give her some revenge for me!" webby then says, "of course" and then you two fist bumb.

after, webby got them tied up you look at ma beagle you then say, "hello Mother! having a nice day!" she grolws and miss.bleaky came and Donald . Donald huggs the boys and Miss bleaky talk to webby and webby came over to you and says, "I told my ganny anout you!" you then say, "cool" she then ask, "you wanna come over!" you than says, "i would but- i don't have my own home anymore" webby then ask, "Then you live with us!" she wlaked up to bleaky and she ask, " can my new best friend live with us! she did save us!" miss. bleaky then says, "you really want to, (Y/N)?" you then smile and say, "of course" bleaky then says, " then yes i must thank you!" you smile and hug webby. you look around for the boys with your (E/C) and you move your (H/L) (H/C) out of your face and the boys tackle you in a hug and they all say, "WELCOME (Y/N)!" you smile and says, "can't wait!"

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