The beagle boy breakout

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your pov

while Louie was with scrooge earning his dime, and dewey and webby doing whatever they were doing. you were just walking around town doing whatever you wanted. and after that just talking with Huey-ya know everyday kid stuff-.

Today, You were at the docks with the boys and webby. Webby was handing huey some stuff while huey says, " Compass? CB radio? Sunscreen."webby than put some floaties in there and says, " Hot dog costumes!" huey than ask, " I'm sorry, what? " webby then explains, "You know, in case we get lost at sea and one of us Probably Louie or (Y/N) Goes mad with hunger, we'll put these on! Louie hates hot dogs, so he probably won't eat us." huey then ask, "Are you saying that Louie would rather eat us than hot dogs?" huey turned to you and says, "I don't even know if (Y/N) likes hotdogs" you then says, " I (like/ Don't Like) hotdogs" louie then says, "I do hate hot dogs." huey then says, " I think we'll be good." he then throws the floaties behind him and some seagulls go by them. you then says, "harsh" you then go over by the ocean . you then put your feet in the water. while you were doing that Louie walks over by you and ask, "Ya okay (Y/N)?" you then says, "fine" you sigh then says, "just thinking about some stuff" louie then ask, "like what?" you turn to him and says, "I'll pay you to not ask that" Louie smile and says, "deal!" you hand him some money and you say, "oh yea Louie?" he then says, "yea" you says, "I'm taking your hoodie" louie then says, "wha-?" before he can finish you already have his hoodie in your hand. he then ask, "how did you-?" you then says, "I have my ways!" you look at the black shirt he had on (A/N): I like that idea! No judge!) you shook your head and you then put his hoodie on and you say, "lets head back to the others" Louie then says, "yea" he stood by first with you standing up. You smirk and put your hand into his hood pockets and you took out the money you gave him before and you put it in your (Pant's/Skirt's/Short's) pockets. you walk to the others and you see Webby fall out of the boat. You help her up and louie says, " I guess we never had to stick four people in this thing." you then says, "If four people can't fit then five people can't!" dewey then says, "That's how numbers work" you give Dewey a glare before giving a little annoyed smile. then huey says, "Here, Webby, (Y/N), you can take my spot." you then mumble, "i wouldn't want to be spuish" webby then says, "No, no, it's okay." huey then ask, "Are you sure?" webby then says, "Yeah, we'll just go when you guys get back." huey then elbows his brother saying, "Unless Captain Lost gets us lost again!" they then row away screaming, "Captain Lost! Captain Lost! " dewey then says, "It's just so fun to chant!" webby sits down and you look at her and says, "yo webs ya okay?" webby then says, "of course! i-it's just-" a bottle went to your guys feet. you pick it up and webby reads, 'Lost Sailor caught in a deadly whirlpool. No hope of survival! Help!" webby looks at you and you smirk, "Looks like were going out to sea after all."

you look at the paper and mumble, "...theres no way of knowing where they are!" then webby nudges you. you look to see a bunch of bottles and you say, "ooooh I get it now" webby then picks up of bunch of bottles and you follow her.

you follow her until you tow reanch a girl, the girl was taller than you two you could tell, she had pink in her hair. a blue undershirt and a grey and black scripted sweater over it. with a long necklace. webby then says, " I'm here to save either a sailor, group of sailors, or a shark from a sea serpent/ pirate/M-agent/and/or scurvy! What?" the girl then says, "N-no, those are from me. I'm just messing around, you know, like a game?"webby then says, "Fun! Let me try!" she writes something down. when she was writing the girl was looking at you with a smile and when webby was done webby handed it to the girl "Please recycle this bottle.' Okay, I don't think you get this game." webby puts the bottle in the water and webby says, "Hi, I'm Webby. and thiis" webby grabbed your hand and dragged you to the girl and webby adds, "is (Y/N)" the girl then says, "Mm. Hey." webby sits down and then looks at the girl then asks, "Is that a vintage Sumerian talisman? " the girl then says, "Dunno. found it at a thrift shop." she puts it in her shirt. webby then says, "You got some pink in your hair. I-I think someone pranked you." the girl then says, "It's supposed to look this way." webby then says, "Oh! Oh I like your shirt! Mm, not my shirt. Actually got it off the lead singer of the Featherweights after a gig in Paris." you smile and cross your arms saying, "how did you get away with that?!" you thought then smirk at hr saying, "project 15?" the girl smiles and says, "you know about that?!" you then says, "how could I not" Webby was smiling and then the girl bottel fell into the ocean and the girl says, "welp, games over" webby then says, "i got it" and webby used her skill her get it. when she got it she handed it to lena and lena says, "That was actually pretty cool.Are you, like, in the circus?" Webby then says, "Circus acrobats keep elephant hairs in their pockets for good luck! I don't know why I just told you that, or why I'm still talking, or why I pointed out the fact I'm still talking, or" lena put a hand on her shoulder saying, " - Whoa, easy, Flippy" webby then corrects, "Webby!" you smile and say, "(Y/N)" the girl then says, " Lena. Thanks for the bottle." she throws the bottle into the water then asks, "Hey, you wanna come with me to this blowout on the edge of town? Should be cool." you then says, "of course!" webby then says, "I've never actually seen a proper explosion!" lena explains, " It's another name for "party." webby then says, "Yep! Totally knew that.Could we just wait for our friends so we could let them know where were going?" lena then says, " But the party could be over by then. Come on, it'll be an adventure!" you and webby look at eachother you shrug and she smiles and you two walk over to her lena then says, "hey (Y/N), you gotta tell me how you learn about project 15!"

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