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745 12 3

Warnings: none
Word count: 716


Tweek p.o.v

My eyes widened. no. no. no. NO. "w-what..? no! y-you cant make me g-go back to th-that hell hole you call s-school!" I yelled, gripping my hair. My mother gasped, and my dad shot a glare at me through the mirror.

"Tweek! watch your mouth." My father snapped, pulling into a driveway. I sat in my seat, twitching every few seconds as my mother and father got out of the car. I squeaked, jumping in my seat as I heard a tap on my window. I looked up to see my father "come on tweek, help us unload the car" he said, walking toward the trunk. I sighed, getting out of the car.


Time skip


now that all of my boxes were in my room, and my parent's stuff was where they needed it, i could unpack. sighing, i grab a box and open it. clothes. i groan, heading to my dresser, box in hand. after awhile it began getting a little stuffy in my new- yet still crowded- room. i walked over to the window, opening it half way. a cool breeze flowed through my room. closing my eyes, I inhale the cold, pure smelling air. it was actually fairly calming. i turned and faced the mountain of boxes that i stationed in the far corner of my room and exhaled. "b-by the time i unpack all of t-these, well be getting ready t-to move again-n" i chuckled, grinning. i suddenly remember what my dad said in the car earlier 'me and your mother decided that we should settle down.. and put you back in public school' my grin faded into a frown, and a mixture of anxiety and dread radiated throughout my body. i loathed the idea of going to public school. the crowded halls, the loud lunchroom, the uncaring lazy, faculty, and worst of all, the students. "t-this is t-t-too much pressure" I whisper-yelled to myself, clutching my hair. my semi-panic attack was interrupted by the foul scent of cigarette smoke. my nose scrunched up in distaste. no one in the house smoked, where could it be coming from? I released the grip on my hair, turning to my opened window. the smell of cigarettes smacked me in the face. bingo. i began walking back over to my window, the smell growing stronger. i popped my head out of my window, looking around until i spot a boy my age. he wore what looked like a blue chullo hat, with a yellow puffball. i couldn't see much below his head, but it looked like he was wearing a white tee shirt as well. he sat in the window across from mine, just a few yards away. he suddenly turned his head, causing our eyes to meet. although it was hard to see them in the dark, his eyes were the prettiest shade of blue. like a beautiful mixture of Prussian blue, and cadet blue. I snap out of my thoughts to wave at him, a light blush on my cheeks. he stares at me for a minute, then finally lifts his hand. i see his middle finger move up slightly. but as soon as i see it, its back down, and he slowly waves back with a look of confusion across his -seemingly- monotone face. I smile, turning away and walking back to the neatly stacked pile of boxes in my room. I could've sworn it looked like he was gonna flip me off .

Craig p.o.v

I watched him as he turned to go back to doing what he was doing in his -i assumed- room, giving me a small smile before doing so. Initially, I was just going to flip him off, shut my window and close my curtains. But, a little voice in my mind convinced me to just go along with it. after all, he is new here. He came at just the right time, too. It's spring break currently, so he won't have go to the hell hole I call school until next Monday- five days from now. Although part of me was actually looking forward to going to school now. Something about him intrigued me, and I don't know what or why.

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