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668 14 0

warnings: none

word count: 1045


Tweek p.o.v

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock blaring. I groaned, pressing the dismiss button as I sleepily got out of bed.

I really need to get more sleep

As I was about to knock on my parents door I had remembered that they had already left to go open up the cafe. And they were expecting me to be there by 10:00.
It was 9:25.
I rushed to the bathroom, taking a quick shower. My thoughts wandered to the previous night. the first dinner in our new home was awkward. we didn't talk much at the table. i didn't talk because i was far too lost in my own dreadful thoughts to even begin to have a proper conversation, my father didn't speak because of my 'outburst' in the car that day, and i made the assumption that he was still angry about it. As for my mom, I didn't know why she was so quiet. But, that was yesterday. Today is a whole new day, and it was my parent's coffee shop's grand opening. I wandered to my dresser, (that only held half of my wardrobe, given the fact that I hadn't finished unpacking) looking for something casual- but nice to wear, considering it was my first day working in the coffee shop. After 10 minutes of digging through drawers and boxes, I settled on my go-to outfit: a green button up flannel with casual black jeans. I had always struggled with the damn buttons on this shirt, but it didn't matter. I was going to be wearing an apron all day anyway. I made my way downstairs into the empty kitchen, grabbing an apple and walking out the door, and began making my way to the shop where my parents and a day of work awaited me.


Craig p.o.v

"Hey stop that! That's cheating you can't do that!" Cartman said, his face slightly red. I loved pissing him off. I looked at him, raising an eye brow "so, winning because I'm actually good at a game is cheating?" i asked, internally smirking. cartman looked at me for a good 30 seconds before sitting up, still facing me as he dropped his controller down. "screw you guys, im going home" he said with an angry sigh as he turned around, leaving my room with a slam of the door. i looked back at token and he rolled his eyes laughing. i got up and walked to my window, opening it just in time to see cartman marching out of my yard. "hey, fat ass!" i yelled. he turned around, about to yell something back but before he could say anything i flipped him off, swiftly closing my window and turning to token with my lips tugging into a slight smile. token laughed loudly as we listened to cartman as he yelled a string of profanities from my yard. the only reason why i invited cartman over is because the person i was originally going to invite, which was Clyde (my best friend since 4th grade) couldn't come. He was with his girlfriend, Bebe. My stomach suddenly growled. Huh. I don't think I've eaten today. I turned to token "I'm hungry. Do you have money?" I asked, sitting in my bed next to token. Token sighed "yes" I gave him a sarcastic smile "great! Wanna go and get something to eat?" Token rolled his eyes, checking the time on his phone. "Actually.." he began "I gotta go, my mom said I had to be home by 3:00 to help her with stuff around the house, it's already 2:45." He said with an apologetic expression, standing up and grabbing his phone I fell back on my bed groaning. Token chuckled at my over exaggeration. "If you get that hungry, I heard there was a cafe opening down the street. You might like it. Anyway, I gotta get going. Cya later, Craig" he said. I heard my door close a few seconds later. I sighed flipping him off, despite the fact that he couldn't see it. My stomach growled once more, but this time slightly louder. I groaned again, flipping it off in response. After a few more minutes of laying in my bed, I finally got up, and went down stairs in in hopes of finding some food. I searched through the cupboard, soon giving up after finding nothing of my interest, and moved to the fridge. I sighed, my gaze landing on a half gone 12 pack of beer, a bottle if ketchup and a storage container that contained leftovers from God knows how long ago. I chuckled humorlessly "typical." I muttered under my breath, harshly closing the fridge door. My dad was always out on business trips, so he was hardly home. When he was home, he would go grocery shopping, and then get drunk and pass out. As for my mom, her and my dad divorced a long time ago. She cheated in my dad with some dude from her work place. After the divorce she moved away with him, and we haven't heard from her since. as far as I'm concerned she wants nothing to do with me and my sister, ruby. Anyway, back to food. I'm beginning to get hunger pains. Im almost positive I had a few tens in my wallet from a bet I won with Kenny awhile ago, but I really didn't wanna spend my money on just anything- my thoughts were interrupted by my stomach growling loudly. I sighed running upstairs and grabbing my wallet, opening to check and see exactly how much money I had. Three tens, a five, along with a nickel and a dime. "Huh." I muttered quietly to myself. I had more money than I thought. Shoving the wallet in my pocket, I rushed out my door and made my way down the street. As I was walking, I remember w what token said just as he was leaving. 'if you get that hungry, I heard there was a cafe opening down the street' I gave it a little thought, but after a minute I just shrugged "fuck it," I mumbled to myself "why not try something new, yeah?"

hEllo guys!! I hope you liked this chapter. I know it was kinda a filler but it was pretty long and I included a bit of background info about Craig n stuff. Next chapter will be better!! (Might not be as long, maybe 700-900 words) anyway, sorry for posting the chapter so late, that's when I tend to get creative yunno? Also thanks for almost 50 reads~

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