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"Thank you so much." Niall's eyes were dripping, his lips quivering as he held his baby bump, his other hand holding Gemma's who was still say across from him.

A tight smile took over her dominant features, and she brought Niall's smaller hand up to her lips before laying a little kiss on his knuckle. "I'll pack your things into my truck tonight." She spoke firmly.

Niall shook his head in disbelief. They had known each other for about two weeks, yet he felt so damn close to Gemma. She was there when he broke down over Liam, she was there when the baby kicked for the first time, and she was even there when Niall has no one else to talk to, when he was alone. Something about her made his stomach flutter, and this time it wasn't the baby.

"You don't have to do it tonight, Gem." A bit of his blonde hair fell onto his forehead.

Gemma reached up and swept his hair out of his face. Just then a waitress walked over and gave them the check before walking away again. They had gone to a smoothie place because Niall told Gemma that he loved iCarly, especially when they went to Groovy Smoothie. He told her he wished he could have a smoothie.

And in that moment she took him to get one.

"I don't have to do any of this, yet I am." She shrugged. "It's all I want."

Niall furrowed his eyebrows. "What is?"

She smiled at him flirtatiously and intertwined their fingers. "This."


Louis hummed a little tune quietly as he scrubbed behind his ears and then into the back of his hair. He enjoyed the amazing feeling of clean hot water hitting his aching back, ankles, and neck.

Harry had such an amazing shower, the pressure wasn't too harsh or soft, and they just never seemed to run out of hot water.

For a moment he was reminded of his childhood home. With his mom and dad. Their shower was terrible compared to this one. It was always gross and the pressure would hurt Louis' sensitive skin.

He remembers that him, Lottie, and Fizzy were always given only 5 minutes to shower each evening, while the dominant children, like his younger twin sisters, had 20 minutes. Everything was unequal at home, his dominant children were always favored by his father. Now that he's thinking of it, his mother didn't really play a part in raising the kids.

But her and Louis always had a special connection. He was their first. And even though his father was upset that Louis was a submissive, his mother loved him dearly.

He still can't believe he was kicked out, left on the streets because they couldn't "afford him". Louis knew his father just didn't want to see him anymore. He always hated Louis, no matter what he did.

Louis rinsed himself off before pushing those thoughts away again, deciding that he was very grateful that Harry saw him that night at the bar. He loved him to death.

Harry is Louis' home.

Something reminded him of the notes he'd been receiving in their home, he took in a breath and tried to forget again.

He stepped out of the large shower and picked up his fuzzy rainbow towel that Harry got him a while ago, and wrapped it around his body.

He suddenly felt the baby begin to kick harshly, right in his ribs.

He winced, looking down at his bump. "Hey, be nice to your mummy, I created you." He scolded weekly before getting dressed.

He laid down after leaving the bathroom, deciding that he needed a nap. Maybe the baby would calm down a bit.

"Taking a nap, love?" Harry asked softly as he cane into the room. He was finally done working at the store he'd been working at, they'd hired someone and verified them into the system. This means he works in his office only now, and stays home with Louis all day.

Louis smiled wearily and nodded, his eyes droopy.

Harry gave him a fond look and then grabbed a few articles of clothing from their closet before walking back into the room. "I'll be in the shower. Call if you need me, baby boy."

Louis yawned. "Okay."

Harry gave him a smile and then gently closed bathroom door, trying not to disturb his submissive.

Louis closed his eyes and curled onto his side.

But after only about 15 minutes, Louis began to feel his stomach and back cramp up tightly, his body coursing with pain.

Louis held onto the sheets, his eyes forced shut as he groaned in pain.

His stomach had begun to hurt earlier in the day as well, really bad cramps.

They went away while he was in the shower,
but soon progressed and gotten a lot worse while he was in bed.

He rolled up his fluffy sweater and looked at his oversized bump. He felt it tighten, then felt the baby move around a bit.

And suddenly the pain was back.

He hadn't considered it, but this could be labor. He winced and began to breath in and out in panic.

He looked down at the sheets and was completely horrified when he saw blood surrounding him.

"Harry!" He cried out. His mind was spinning, he began to sob.

A moment later, Harry came running into the room from the bathroom. His curls were dripping and he was only wearing a towel.

Harry ran over to Louis, instantly seeing the blood and noticing that his boy was in pain.

"Shit, oh my god we need to go to the hospital! What happened? Did someone hurt you, did you fall down? He panicked and grabbed one of Louis' hands.

Louis let out a desperate whimper and then looked up at his dominant. "No, but it hurts so bad. Something's definitely wrong. She's kicking so hard." He cried out.

Harry reaches down and rubbed a hand over Louis' bump, feeling a couple of hard kicks from their baby girl. "That's a good thing. We know she's okay."

"I'll grab the hospital bag and get dressed. Stay right there, I'll be two seconds I promise you." He left two kisses on Louis' forehead and then rushed back into the bathroom and threw his clothes on before running into the nursery to grab their hospital bag.

He then brought it to the car first before he helped Louis out of bed and carried him down the stairs. There was a bit of blood dripping from between Louis' legs but he assured Harry that the baby was still kicking and okay.

He helped Louis sit on the bottom step.

"Get my shoes!" Louis yelled at Harry, his tears still flooding his cheeks.

Harry quickly obliged, putting Louis' vans on for him and then tying them.

They rushed to the car and Harry sped off as Louis held onto the side of the door and took deep breaths.

He began to cry and sob even harder, "It'll be fine baby I'm sure it's nothing. She's moving and everything." Harry desperately tries calming Louis down, Louis grabbed the larger man's wrist and gripping it tightly, his finger nails stabbing into Harry's arm. But Harry could take it just fine.

"She stopped moving, she stopped moving!" Louis yelped, panicking.

Harry sped even faster.

•Be My Baby• ~l.s, bdsm, mpreg (au)Where stories live. Discover now