Wake up

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Hello, Lovelies!

Jimin's POV

Warbled voices fill my  ears as I'm bumped and rattled around in a cold car. I try to speak, but my mouth won't move, and as I try to wake up, I became aware of the indescribable pain in my stomach. I feel sick and shaky, almost like I'm going to pass out. However, these people around me keep touching me with their cold hands. 

However....on the very end...I can feel one person's grasp that is warm and comforting, and something tell's me it belongs to my precious alpha.

I can't smell anything since my nose and mouth are inside an oxygen mask. I try to think through what happened, ask myself why I'm here, but each second I gain more consciousness, my pain amplifies. 

Instead, I focus on holding kookie's hand, and wondering thinking about how much nicer it's going to be once this is all over and I can hug him as I go to sleep. 

The ride is short and swift, which I'm grateful for. Though, as we enter a white building, the flashing lights above me make me even more nauseous. 

"Guk-ah~" I moan, squinting in pain as even the vibrations of me talking make me feel pain. 

I know he's replying to me, but I don't know what he's saying, and when his grasp suddenly leaves mine, my heart begins to spasm and I go into an anxiety attack. 

Jungkook's POV

"G-Guk-ah~" I hear my sweet baby moan as the paramedics rush him down the hallway and toward the surgery room. 

"I-I'm right here, Jimin." I pant through my tears. "I...I won't let go. Don't worry." I help push the stretcher as fast as I can, watching out of the corner of my eye as the once white sheets on the stretcher seep blood onto the floor. 

As we near the door, I suddenly have a nurse take hold of me, pulling me away from Jimin. 

"L-Let go of me!" I pant, trying to push her off of me, but another is quick to assist her. 

"Sir, you need to sit down-"

"B-But he's-"

"Sir, he's in good hands. Please, come wait in the other room."

"I...I promised I wouldn't leave him though!" I sob. "I...I told him I would never let go!"

"Sir, please-" 

Eventually they force me to sit outside the surgery room and wait. 

Many long and tiring hours pass, and the longer I wait, the harder I shake and feel like throwing up. 

There...there was so much blood. 

So...so much blood...

Every time I close my eyes I can see it pooled around his legs. With every breath I take I...I can smell death. I...I could smell Jimin just fine but....but I couldn't smell the pup!

~Four Hours Later~

I'm shaken awake by a man in a green outfit, wearing a mask and latex gloves, spots of blood dotting his outfit. 

"Are you Mr. Jeon?" He asks, and quickly I stand.

"Y-Yes. I'm Mr. Jeon." I answer, folding my arms so my hands will stop shaking. "I-Is everything alright? I-Is Jimin okay?! Is he...." I can't even bring myself to say the words as I fight back tears. 

"Mr. Jeon...I think you should come with me." He says, his eyes tired and sad. 

I...I can't lose him. Not like this...not at all.

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