Chapter 8

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The interior of the car was very nice.

Smooth, clean, completely black, smelling like it had just been bought yesterday. The perfect car for a vampire, I supposed. Although, there was a tiny red stain right next to my head.

I only noticed this because I sat in that very nice car for what felt like forever, with nothing to do but observe it. My captor didn't even have the decency to put on music. Well, unless you counted ominous whistling as music.

And oh, did Liam whistle. He started soon after we left my neighborhood. No discernable tune, just random notes. But it got annoying. Fast.

I didn't want to ask him to stop, partly because I didn't want to speak to the fiend, but also because my cheek hurt when I spoke. But after what felt like hours (but was probably only half an hour), I couldn't take it.

"Please be quiet!" I yelled, trying to speak as quickly as possible.

"You don't like whistling?" He asked. I really didn't want to start a conversation, so I made a vaguely negative grunt.

"But why?" Liam asked, feigning confusion. I sighed, choosing to remain completely silent.

"No answer?" He asked again. I glared at the back of his seat, still saying nothing.

"Alrighty then," Liam said, happy as ever. He started whistling again.

I groaned. "Okay! Shut up because you're damn annoying!"

"I don't think you want to be rude to the only thing keeping you alive right now," Liam sing-songed. I scowled.

"Fine. Whatever." He started back up.

I flopped over on my back, staring hard at the ceiling. Infuriatingly, I felt tears beginning to form in my eyes, whether from frustration, exhaustion, or sadness I didn't know. It was probably a jumble of all three. I tried to keep it in, but a sob escaped me.

I cringed, waiting for some cheerful, creepy comment from Liam.

He sighed. "Hey...I've just realized I do not know your name."

"Blythe," I said, failing to keep my voice from wavering.

"Right. Don't cry, Blythe. Your death really will be painless in the end," Liam said, sounding almost comforting-if I ignored his words of course.

"But...I don't want to die at 17," I said, hating how small and meek I sounded.

"Cheer up, darling. Through death, you'll be serving a better race! Doesn't that sound fun?" He asked, letting out an almost maniacal laugh. I shuddered. Definitely creepy.

"No...not really." I said, eyes leaking. I rubbed at them furiously. Damn it!

"Well you'd better get used to it," he sighed. "We're here."

I sat up, curious despite myself. I wanted to see what a vampire lair actually looked like. I was pretty sure we were still in DC, so I didn't really expect a castle or anything, but honestly, castles weren't far off from the beautiful building in front of me.

It was, intimidatingly tall, nearly twice as wide as a normal house, a nice dark brown. A little spooky, but really amazing.

A bang on the window brought me out of my daze. Liam. Sigh.

I opened the car door, and was barely out when I felt a vice like grip on my arm. I looked up at my captor, surprised and annoyed. He grinned down at me. "What the hell?" I snapped.

"I can't have you getting away from me again, can I?"

"You're a terrible person, you know that?" I grumbled, making my legs go limp just to spite him.

Of course, he didn't care, dragging me along by my arm. "I mean, if I were a person, I probably would be a terrible one," he said.

He dragged me up to the front door of the house, then rung the doorbell.

A moment later, the door creaked open, letting out a blast of cold air.

I shivered, peering inside. There was only darkness. Liam kicked the door open further.

"Welcome to your new home, Blythe!" He said, and yanked me into the abyss. 

A/N: thanks to all of the people who clicked on my story this week. there are kind of a lot of you hello! 

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