Chapter 9

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The door slammed shut behind us.

Once we were inside, Liam released my arm. I squinted, trying to make out the vague shapes around me. No luck, though. I couldn't even see Liam anymore. My hand shook with nervous energy. My eyes darted from side to side, still seeing nothing. I stumbled around blind, hand shaking so hard it was almost painful.

"Liam? Where...where are you?" I asked, hating how small my voice sounded, hated how I was basically begging for the comfort of my captor. But I needed someone, anyone. I couldn't be alone.

Suddenly, I ran into something cool and almost solid. I thought it was a wall at first, but the texture was slightly squishier than a wall.

It was only when I felt an arm wrap around me that I realized what I'd slammed into. Or rather, who. Liam snickered.

"If you wanted a hug, you could have just asked," he said. I yelped, jumped back, and slapped at him.

"Get away from me, freak! A-and turn on the lights or I swear to God, I'll beat you up!" I shrieked, trying to disguise my panic with anger.

"You're that scared of the dark?" Liam said, incredulous. "There are barely any lights in the whole house!"

"You're lying..." I said darkly. I couldn't live in a dark house. I'd rather have died right there.

I've been scared of the dark for a long time. Most days, I can't even go to sleep with the lights off, so I've got a nightlight with a timer. Childish, maybe, but whatever. Better to be called childish than to be caught unawares and ambushed.

"Well we have lights, they're just not necessary. We can see just fine in the dark, and the humans in the basement don't need to see," Liam said. Arm still around my shoulders, he led me somewhere.

I froze. "What are you doing? Where are you taking me?" I hissed.

"Hey, shhh, it's okay. We're just going over to the wall, alright? There's a light switch." Liam whispered. I nodded.

He began moving me forward with a gentleness I hadn't expected, and after a few seconds we really did come to a wall. I pressed my hands against it, frantically feeling around for a switch.

"Here," Liam said, still whispering. I heard a click, and the room was filled with a mild light, casting a sepia tint over the whole room.

And what a room it was. Brown wood floors, a grand staircase, an ornate door on the wall by that staircase, a high ceiling with a huge chandelier right in the middle of it. Other than that though, it was pretty empty. A little couch near the stairs, and a table by the front door was it as far as furniture went.

"You like it, don't you?" Liam asked, teasing. Realizing I'd been staring like an idiot, I quickly shifted my gaze to glare at the vampire.

"No. It's empty, cold, and smells like goddamn death," I scowled. "Now where am I sleeping?"

Liam grinned at me, fangs gleaming even in the low light. "See, I don't think you want to talk to me like that..."

A wave of stupid confidence washed over me. The worst this guy had ever done to me was a slap. Sure it hurt, but it wasn't serious. Hell, he'd even been almost nice just then.

"Oh yeah? What are you gonna do about it?" I snickered at him. 

Liam frowned. Somehow, even that made me nervous. I felt the overwhelming urge to step back, but I couldn't just abandon my pride like that. It was pretty much all I had left.

I tilted my chin up to glare right into his eyes, wordlessly challenging him. The vampire glared right back at me, red eyes blazing with a monstrous intensity. I didn't even blink.

"I was just about to give you a special room," he said suddenly, calm voice contrasting the death glare we were still locked in. "A room with plenty of lights. I was even considering a window. Nothing like the basement we keep the rest of the humans in. I think I saw a rat down there once."

I couldn't think of anything snarky to say, so I just glared some more.

"But you know what? Why should I go out of my way to heed the demands of a bratty, ungrateful little human?" He grabbed my chin hard. I almost winced, but I managed to hold my glare. "I shouldn't, really. So I won't. You're coming with me."

"F-fine! I don't need your stupid goddamn charity! I don't care!" I yelled. This was, of course, a complete lie. Being locked in a dark basement was a nightmare all by itself. And with the added threat of rats? No thank you.

Liam's scowl melted seamlessly into a smile. He giggled, making the innocent sound somehow unnerving. "Lie! Being locked in a dark basement would be a nightmare for you!"

Damn it. He was definitely reading my mind. "I witnessed a murder, skipped an entire day of school, got attacked by a vampire, got kidnapped, and left my mother without even saying goodbye. I've been through so many nightmares today that sleeping in a dark room is quite possibly the least of my problems," I spat. 

Liam stared at me. I thought I saw surprise on his face, but it faded back into a blank smile so quickly I couldn't be sure. "Well isn't someone just the strongest little female protagonist," he said, applauding. "Not that it'll get you much of anywhere, but still. Congratulations to you."

He started walking toward the door by the stairs. I looked behind me, debating whether to run for the front door. But even if I made it, I had no idea where we were, let alone how to get home. Besides, if vampire myths were to be trusted, he'd be able to outrun me in no time at all. And I didn't imagine he'd be very kind to me for trying to run. No, I had no chance at all.

With a forlorn sigh, I followed him towards the door. 

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