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Laito ran downstairs to the living room where his brothers and Yui was waiting, forgetting that he could teleport

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Laito ran downstairs to the living room where his brothers and Yui was waiting, forgetting that he could teleport.

"Dafaq is wrong with you?"

Ayato asked his twin, who looked like- no he really was running for his life.

"Minx-chan gone ferral. I just pointed out about their forepl-"

Laito was cut off when another dagger came flying across the room.

Yui squealed, jumping up from her seat.

Laito and the others inside the room looked for Asagi and found her just atop on the stairs.

She was twirling a new dagger in her right hand.

Asagi then threw it lightly upwards, catching it just at the end of dagger, throwing her hand back while walking down the stairs aiming at the fedora loving vampire.

"Minx-chan, matte-"

Asagi threw the dagger, hiccuping in the process.

The red head dodge the dagger once more, resulting for it to pierce on the wall where the previous dagger was stuck.

"What in the world?! Oi kyonyū!"

Ayato called out when the said girl reached the bottom of the stairs.

Asagi heard the red head but paid no heed to him and started targeting his twin brother instead.

Reiji who was walking down the stairs, quietly watched the commotion and thought...

Where in the world does Asagi put those daggers?

He practically eyed everywhere on her body to find a compartment of some sort to find out where the daggers were hidden.

To no avail, none can be seen.

As if the dagger were made out of thin air.

He shook it off and went to his room unnoticed.

"Asagi-chan! Yamero! You might hurt yourself!"

Yui pleaded.

"Hell naw! *hiccups* I've never felt- *hiccups* this happy trying- *hiccups* to kill this retar-"

Asagi was stopped halfway in throwing another dagger to the poor vampire being hunted.

She turned her head slowly to whoever grabbed her hand, hence stopping her movements even further and cutting her sentence off.

"Let go."

She spoke, her voice sent chills to certain female.

It was rather low and demanding. With Asagi distracted, the fedora wearing vampire, sneaked out of the girl's view, scurrying off to somewhere.

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