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" Okay  so tonight we have a mission.. You guys know about this right ? " Jimin spoke as soon as everyone gathered in the meeting room  We all nodded. Jimin that is standing while putting both of his hands in his pocket started speaking again. " So.. Everyone knows their own task right ? " He asked. We all nodded again. You guys wanna know our taks ? Well, here it is ;

Namjoon and Yoongi : In charge for hacking, CCTV and directions ( In the van ).
Jungkook : In charge if the enemy started the war ( Around the place ).
Tae : In charge in giving information to everyone ( In the van ).
Seokjin : In charge in making poisoned food or drink to give to the enemy ( In the kitchen ).
Hoseok : In charge for the weapons ( In the van ).
Jimin : In charge in killing the enemy ( Anywhere ).
Y/N : In charge in seducing the enemy ( Anywhere ).

" Good.. So now I'm gonna tell you who is our enemy this time.. " Jimin spoke again before putting a picture on the table. All of us looked at the picture.

My eyes widen

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My eyes widen. " Oh shit ! " I said , making everyone turned their heads towards me. " What's wrong, Y/N ? You know him ? " Jimin asked. I turned my head towards him while clenching my chest. " He's so handsome.. " I said while acting as if his face attacked my heart. I mean, come on ! Look at his face ! Everyone blinked their eyes a few times, looking at me in disbelief. " Seriously, Park Y/N ? "

Taehyung spoke, making me turned my head towards him. I then make a 'peace' sign. " Opps.. Sorry.. " I said, smiling innocently. I looked at Jimin, only to see his face is so close to mine now. " He's handsome, huh ? Do you want me to change your task ? " His words make my eyes widen again. " No, no, no ! Please, no ! " I said, making an 'x' using both of my hands. He loves to threaten me using the word 'change your task', you know ? And actually.. Guys, he don't like me doing this task. And you know why right ? JEALOUSY~ " Then shut up.. "

He said then death glared at me before started speaking again. I rolled my eyes then crossed my arms. Yea, yea fine.. " Okay.. Back to the topic.. His name is Lee Jongsuk.. He is the Red Alpha's leader.. You remember when I said that I send someone somewhere ? " He asked, making all of us nodded again. " Alright.. I actually sent one of our boys to his mansion.. He become one of his worker there.. Then I asked him to monitor his movement and one day, he accidentally heard their conversation during their meeting.. And guess what ? He said that he heard them talking like this.. " Jimin stopped in the middle of his sentence before pulling out a voice recorder from his pocket. He pressed the button then..

" So, what's our mission for tonight, boss ? "
" Tonight.. We're gonna kill the leader of Dark Fire, Park Jimin.. And tonight, I will have a new queen.. "
" I'm not suprised if you said that you wanna kill Jimin.. But what do you mean by 'a new queen' ? "
" You know Park Y/N ? His wife ? I'm actully interested in her.. She's so pretty and.. Sexy~ So tonight, I want to make her mine.. ALL MINE.. "
" Wow~ So now  what's your plan ? " 

All of us pay our attention on the voice recorder until it ended. I leaned against the chair, sighing. " Not suprised.. " I said, closing my eyes. This is not the first time the enemy wants me to be their queen. This thing happens many times already. " So.. Ready for the mission ? " Jimin asked all of us, crossing his arms. " Yes, boss ! " All of us said in unison. " Good.. Tonight there's a mafia dìnner at a 5-Star hotel.. Tae, find where's the location of the hotel.. "

Jimin said, looking at Taehyung. Taehyung nodded his head. " Hyung, get all the weapons ready.. " He said, looking at Hoseok oppa. Hoseok nodded. " Namjoon and Yoongi hyung, you guys get the van and all the CCTV ready.. Ask our boys at the dinner to take over the CCTV room and make sure no one except for them is there.. " He said, looking at Namjoon and Yoongi oppa. Both of them nodded their heads. " Jungkook, gather all your boys and ask them to get ready.. " Jungkook nodded hearing his hyung's words. " Jin hyung, you know what you have to do right ? " Seokjin oppa nodded his head. " Okay, now.. Shoot ! "

Jimin yelled, making everyone in the meeting room immediately walked out of the room, gonna get ready for the mission. I get up from the chair, walking towards Jimin to walk out of the room with him but Anna suddenly blocked our way. " Emm . Jimin.. What is my task ? " She asked. I looked at him. I also wanna know what is her task. Jimin turned his head towards me slowly. Then he suddenly asked me something that I actually don't wanna hear. " You're her coach, baby.. So what is her task ? " Fuck.. " Me ? You're asking me ?? You're the one who should decide what is her task ! You're her big boss.. I'm just a coach.. " I said, crossing my arms. Jimin raised his eyesbrow before sighed, looking at Anna. " Okay, fine.. So, emm.. Your task is.. " Jimin said, trying to find the correct task for her. Then he suddenly snapped his finger, smiling. " I know ! " He said then looked at me before looking at Anna. " Your task is..

To be a waitress.. "

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