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One Last Time

My eyes widen. What the actual fuck ??!! I immediately called this motherfucker. What does this number wants from me ?! Soon..

- Hello, baby.. I know you would call me..

I closed my eyes, relaxing myself. So.. It's a fucking guy.. I opened my eyes before started speaking.

What the fuck do you want from me ??!!

I raised my voice, letting all my anger out. Who the hell does he think he is ?! I heard him let out a dark chuckle.

- If you want to know what I want, come here.. I will send you the location..

I opened my mouth to speak but he hung up first. " Fuck.. " Then I immediately felt my phone vibrated. I looked at it, only to see that I got a message from the bastard. You piece of shit..

Few Minutes Later..

Here I am, standing in front of an old building.

I already told Jimin by texting him that I will be gone for a while

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I already told Jimin by texting him that I will be gone for a while. I sighed before slowly walking towards the building. I walked inside the building before started to find the room where the guy is. Later, I stand in front of a door that I guarantee the asshole is here. I slowly grabbed the door knob before twisting it. Then, slowly the door opened, revealing.. A guy that is sitting on a chair, crossing his legs and looking down while some men that I believe his bodyguards, circled him. I walked towards him slowly. Everytime I step on the floor, my boots will make a sound. Slowly, he raised his head, looking at me. I stopped walking as soon as I stand a few centimetres away from him. He smirked then stand up, walking towards me. " Welcome, Kim Y/N.. "

He said as soon as he stand close to me, still smirking. His eyes are staring deep into my soul. His eyes.. It's green.. " Excuse me, it's PARK Y/N.. " I said, reminding him. I have a husband, bastard.. And his name is Park Jimin.. He scoffed. " Yeah, yeah.. Whatever.. " He said, looking away. I moved closer to him. " What the fuck do you want from me, motherfucker ?.. " I whispered, looking at him with my dangerous glare ever. He turned his head to me, making his nose almost touched mine. He smirked before moving closer to me, making our nose immediately touched. " You look so hot when you're angry, princess.. "

He whispered before licking his lips. My blood boiled so I immediately pushed him harshly. " Just fucking tell me what the fuck do you want !! " I shouted while clenching my fist. He is doing nothing but just wasting my time ! He chuckled darkly before looking at me. " Work with me.. " His words make me opened my mouth in disbelief. " What the fuck ?.. " I said, still can't believe what I just heard. He think I have no gang or what ?! " You heard me.. " He said then walked towards his chair, sat down on it. I shook my head. " Hell no.. Fuck no !! " I screamed before walking towards the door to step out of it. But before I get to step out of it, that bastard spoke.. " Say no and I will make sure Jimin will be in the hospital for almost a month.. " My eyes widen. What ?..

I just stared at him.. Jimin..

My eyes started to watery

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My eyes started to watery. I don't wanna lose him.. But at the same time I don't wanna betray Dark Fire.. Slowly, a tear escaped my eye. Why.. Why is this happening to me ?..

Why, Jimin ?

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Why, Jimin ?.. Why people hate us being together ?.. Why.. Suddenly, my phone vibrated. I wiped my tears before grabbing the phone and unlocked it..

- You have two hours to decide.. Work with me and he will be fine or stay with him and you will lose him in front of your eyes..

" Oh god.. " I closed my eyes, started crying harder. Jimin.. What should I do, oppa ?.. I opened my eyes slowly.. I-I think I should go.. I stand up from the bed then moved towards my closet. I packed my clothes then changed into my Dark Wolf's leader outfit. Black hoodie, black boots, black pants and black mask. Then, I walked towards the bed and sat down on the edge of it. I'm sorry Jimin.. I have to do this..

I moved closer to him then pulled down my mask before kissed his forehead. " I LOVE YOU AND WILL ALWAYS DO.. REMEMBER THAT.. " I whispered then pulled away. I wiped my tears then grabbed my bag and walked out of the room. It's hurts.. So fucking hurts.. I looked around, only to see nobody. I quickly run downstairs then towards the door. I twisted the door knob then opened it. I walked out of the mansion then started walking away. I turned my head towards the mansion and looked at it for one.. Last.. Time.. I love you guys.. Especially you, my lovely husband.. Park Jimin..

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