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What The Hell

I just stared at the message without doing anything. Is this number just fucking threatened me ?? I blinked a few times. Later, I furrowed my eyesbrows. But a number can't hurt anybody, right ? My body started to shiver. Fuck, what the hell is happening ? I shrugged off the thought before putting the phone on the table. I layed down on the bed, trying to close my eyes. Relax, Y/N.. Relax..

" Baby  wake up.. " I opened my eyes as I felt someone caressed my cheek. Oh, he's home..

I frowned

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I frowned. What's with the face ? " Hey . What's wrong ? " I asked, sitting up. He sighed then throwed his head on my shoulder. " Jungkook.. " He said, making me raised an eyebrow. " What happened to him ? " I asked, curious. What happened to my muscle kook ? " He.. He was shot.. " His words make my eyes immediately went wide. I grabbed his face, cupping it. " What ?? Where ?? " I asked, looking straight at him. He exhaled before whispering.. " On his right leg.. "

" How did this happened ? " I asked while looking at the sleeping Jungkook. His right leg already bandaged. We are in his room right now. Jimin and I are standing beside each other while Jin oppa is standing on the other side of the bed. Seokjin sighed, looking down.

" I have no idea

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" I have no idea.. As soon as we done doing our mission, he suddenly came in this condition.. " He said, earning a sigh from me. Oh my god, this thing never happen to Jungkook before.. Why so suddenly ? " Princess ? " I looked at my husband as he called my name. I hummed in response. He smiled softly then tugged a strand of hair behind my ear. " Don't worry, okay ? He will be fine.. His men will take care of him.. " He said, making me curved a small smile. I looked at Jungkook again. This thing better don't have anything to do with that fucking message..

Few Days Later..

" What ?! " I raised my voice as soon as I heard what my brother just said.

He is looking at me while his hand is holding mine, calming me down

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He is looking at me while his hand is holding mine, calming me down. I am standing by the door frame while Jimin that is laying on the bed, shirtless, immediately walked towards us. " What ?! Hoseok almost bombed ?! " He raised his voice, looking straight at Taehyung oppa. Taehyung nodded. " Then, is he okay ? " I asked, worried. " Emm.. He broke his left arm becaise he fell hard on the floor.. The bomb was quite.. Strong.. " His words make my eyes teary. " Oh god.. Where is he ? Where is he ?! " I said, walking out of the room.

" How did this happened, oppa ?.. " I softly asked while holding his hand in mine. He is laying on his bed while his left arm is bandaged. He smiled weakly at me.

" I also don't know, Y/N-ah

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" I also don't know, Y/N-ah.. But what I know is.. Last night I heard a gunshot.. So I immediately came to the weapon room to check whether there is anybody that plays with the weapon or not.. But when I stepped into it, there's suddenly a bomb.. " He said then sighed. " I never thought my arm will broke just because I fell on the floor.. " He said then chuckled. I curved a small smile. Although he's in pain, he still managed to curve a smile.. 

Few Hours Later..

Here I am, walking around the garden, alone.. I sighed, thinking about what had happen towards Jungkook and Hoseok. Why.. Why is this happening ?.. I sat down on the bench, crossing my legs. Jimin is in the room, showering. And now I am waiting for the lunch to be served. Suddenly.. " Boss ! Jin is poisoned ! "

" Jin oppa ! " I shouted as soon as I saw that he is laying on the floor and white bubble is coming out from his mouth. I went towards him the checked his pulse. Still alive ! " Hurry ! Call his men ! " I shouted so that everyone can hear me. Hang in there, oppa..

" What the hell happened to him ?? " Jimin that suddenly appeared out of nowhere, spoke in his deep and husky voice.

" I don't know

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" I don't know.. " I said then started crying. What the hell is happening ?.. Jimin walked towards me then pulled me into his embrace. " Shh.. Don't cry.. I'm here.. " He whispered sweetly into my ear while stroking my hair softly. " According to the CCTV, Jin is cooking before he went somewhere else for a while.. Then he came back and taste his dishes.. After that, he passed out.. " Tae oppa explained while holding his tablet. I sighed while burying my face on Jimin's chest  I hate this..

The Next Day..

" Ahh !!! " Our eyes immediately widen as soon as we heard the yell. Me, Jimin, Taehyung and dad are relaxing in the living room right now. " What the heck is that ? " Taehyung said then all of us ran out of the living room, trying to find where's the source of the yell. Taehyung oppa ran faster than us because he wants to see it first. " Hyungs !! "

All of us immediately ran faster as soon as we heard his yell . As soon as we arrived in front of the hacker's room.. " Oh.. My.. God.. " I whispered while eyeing the two bodies that are laying on the floor, unconscious. Electric shock.. " Call the doctor !!! " 

Few Hours Later..

" Why is this happening ??!! Who the fuck did this to them ??!! " I yelled on the top of my lungs while crying hard on Jimin's arms. Yoongi and Namjoon are in pain right now because of the electric shock happened in the hacker room and now ? My brother is fucking in pain because he fucking fell off the stairs ! Jimin stroked my hair and back softly before yelling..

" FIND WHO THE FUCK DID THIS TO ALL OF THEM, NOW !!! " He shouted, making everyone in the bedroom immediately ran out of the room. " Baby.. You should rest.. I'm gonna go to the CCTV room.. Go, okay ?.. " Jimin whispered before pulled away from the hug. He kissed my forehead before walking away, following his men to the CCTV room. I wiped my tears before walking towards my room. This is the worst day ever..

I sat down on the bed, thinking. Why is this happening ? Who the hell betrayed Dark Fire.. Suddenly, my phone got a notification. I looked at it before slowly grabbed it that is placed on the table. Please.. Please don't be the unknown number.. I exhaled before unlocked the phone. Message.. I slowly opened the message.. Fuck..

- Everyone's hurt already.. And now, it's Jimin's turn..

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