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How she managed to get in was really quite simple. She was small enough to fit in between the gates.

Her school wasn't fancy at all, much more like a dodgy public school so they had pretty much no security and the whole car park was empty. It was 11pm after all.

But what she hadn't figured out was how to get into these locked doors, she had entered the campus but couldn't really get into any of the buildings. She could just sleep on the bench.

Her stomach grumbled angrily. Fuck she could use some food.

Footsteps echoed behind her and she felt her hair stand on end.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

She quickly ran behind a wall and tried to listen out for the footsteps.

The sound began again, louder and her breath caught. Was there a teacher still here?

Silence filled the air, footsteps stopping she clenched her eyes together in fear.

"Boo." A male voice said right next to her ear.

"AHHH!" She screamed as her eyes opened widely to stare at the figure in front of her to see someone very different to what she was expecting.

He looked familiar, so familiar but she didn't pay attention to who attended school as she mostly just slept in class and then left when the bell rang most likely after a classmate had woken her up. She'd stay at at table by herself at lunch although she was invited to eat with many people she'd politely decline before sitting alone with her earphones plugged in, listening to her playlist.

"Uh who are you?" She stared curiously at the boy in a black t-shirt and grey sweatpants.

"You should've seen your face!" He chuckled, bending over and then stopped laughing suddenly. With a raised eyebrow he said, "Who are you?"


A look of realisation crossed his face, "Ooh the sleeping girl."

She nodded before asking, "Why are you in school right now?" The both had moved to settle on a bench outside a school block.

"I should be asking the same question." He looked directly at her.

Then it hit her.

Park Jimin, that's who he is. Most talked about guy but he shrugged off every girl that went for him "I just wanna focus on dancing" was his excuse. Although she wasn't sure since this is all she picked up from a cheerleader ranting in the toilets as she was applying her lipstick while Natalia stood under the dryer to get some warmth as the day was freezing.

She couldn't lie but he was handsome, how his smooth blonde hair parted symmetrically and how his plump lips prayed to be touched.

"Why don't we both explain." She suggested.

"My dads the principal of the school, therefore I have the keys. I come here when I wanna blow some steam off my chest or if I'm just bored."

Ah that explains it, "I got kicked out and am hungry and need a shower and some sleep but I'm always tired so it doesn't really make a difference." She rambled.

"You got kicked out!?" He worriedly yelled.

"Yeah I always do but they end up calling me back later anyway." She gave a small smile.

"So you're staying here?" He asked.

"Well that's the plan."

"Since you mentioned it, wanna eat?" He stood up from the wooden bench.

"Wait so are we raiding the canteen?"

"Fuck yeah."

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