Part 1 - First Kiss

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I look up suddenly from the freshly damp ground to see my friends sitting across from me. We come to this part of the woods often to hang out and hide from our parents deep using the protection of the thick oak trees. A raindrop fell on the tip of my nose, breaking my deep thought. I glance over towards Ame, who ducks under the hood of her jacket in a failed attempt to remain dry. I watch as her golden hair dances in the rough winds, and can't help picturing her in my arms. I catch myself staring and immediately look away, feeling my cheeks become warm with embarrassment. I instead glance over towards Mason, who is clutching Luci tightly as he tries to break free. "Let me grab my umbrella!" Luci says whilst laughing. "It's not raining that hard" Mason replies with a cheeky smirk. "If I catch a cold it's your fault" Luci says whilst relaxing into the arms of his partner. "Good excuse to take care of you" Mason says playfully. I envy them, not only have they accepted their sexuality but they've found true love. For me that hasn't been so easy.. well the sexuality thing, as for true love.. I glance back over to Ame, who has now accepted defeat, letting the rain drench her as she continues in conversation. I notice that she begins to shiver as the rain becomes heavier and I feel myself yerning to offer my warm embrace. "I'm gonna head home" I say, looking back down at the now muddy ground. "I'll walk with you" Ame says. My heart stops. "I'm gonna head home too" she adds in a yawn. "S-sure" I say standing up. "Have fun you two" Mason says, winking. He and Luci were the only two people who knew that I was gay. We begin to walk down the cracked path that leads to the main road, making small talk about a band we both like. I stop walking and take a deep breath, knowing that this may be my only chance alone with her. "Is everything Okay?" she asks, turning to face me. "Look" I say hesitantly "There's something I need to tell you." I take another deep breath and brush my hand against hers, already feeling myself begin to blush. "I.. I li-" I begin, but then she leans in and plants her lips on mine. My cheeks feel like they are on fire and I can hear my heart beat a million times per minute as I slide my hands on her hips and pull her closer.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2018 ⏰

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