Love is in the air❤

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Hello lovely readers. So u guys liked this ss & wants me to continue, so here i m.


Evening time, Mehta mansion:

Avni is sitting in her room & eating chips very angrily.

Avni (while eating): Now u just wait mr i won't spare u for doing this to me. What is this yaar he doesn't came to college today & he is not even picking my calls nor replying to my messeges. Now u just come to me i will show u the consequences of troubling avni mehta😡😡

She is very angry, but suddenly a phone calls came. She thought it was him.

Avni: Oh now he is calling me but i won't pick the call now.

But the person was calling her again & again. So she picks the call in third time.

Before she says anything. The person on other side speaks.

Person: Hello. Actually here is an accident on this place & i found this phone near the person. So i called on the last dialled number to inform.

After listening this avni freezed on her place. Her anger dissapeared & eyes filled with tears & fear. Fear of loosing someone.
When there is no response on other side the person again speaks...

Person: Hello hello. Is anyone there. R u listening.

With that avni composed herself from the shock & speaks after gaining a lot of courage...

Avni: Ya ya i.. i m I m coming .plz te..tell me the adress...

Person tells her the address...

She immediately take her car keys & rushed from there...

She is driving at very high speed & just praying inside that the person is safe. Tears were continuously flowing from her eyes. She is broken.
She reached that address given by the person. She runs there & started calling a name. Its beach area but there is only darkness. Neither any car nor any person. She is getting more tensed in each passing second.

Avni: Where are you... plz come back to me. Plz for god sake plz come back to me.. i promise i will never fight with you. I will never be angry on you. Plz...plz come back.
She sat on her knees while crying😭😭

Suddenly she heard someones voice...

Voice: Oh jaan... I am sorry, that i make you cry this much. But now u r very close to me. Just follow the light & come here. I m waiting for u...

Avni followed the lights that r glowing there & she was shocked to see this....

& the person whom she wants to see since morning was standing there in the middle of the heart

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& the person whom she wants to see since morning was standing there in the middle of the heart...

He started saying:

Yeh Ishq nahi aasaan💕💕Where stories live. Discover now