Its him

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Walking, walking, walking

The cracks of twigs and leaves crunch under my feet

Slowly I go deeper into the forest

It was almost 11pm my boyfriend had asked me to be here at 11:15pm

He said make sure your not late

He said he had to show me something

A secret he had been keeping from me

When he told me this there was sorrow in his eyes

As though he was pleading for me to come alone

To be true to myself I was scared

I had never seen this site to him before-he was terrified

I was walking slowly getting more terrified with each step I took

11:10pm five more minutes and I would be confronted with my boyfriends worst fear

11:15pm it's time

I walk onto the hill where he asked me to meet him

I was wondering where he was I was scared

Lately there had been numerous reports of somewhat wolfs in this forest

Then I saw a pair on bluey green eyes of a wolf stare straight into mine

It was cole, I could recognise his eyes anywhere

I couldn't believe it

I knew it was him but it couldn't be

It was a wolf not a guy

Five seconds later cole was standing in front of me

In his eyes there was deep sorrow somehow asking without speaking

I'm sorry could you ever forgive me

My first reaction, I go up and kiss him, full of love and passion

It's ok it's ok I whisper in his ear

After taking some deep breaths he finally said ... I'm the werewolf of the town

I know I said

Even though I hadn't said anything I thought he was the werewolf

I just never told him...

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