Chapter 3

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The Headmistress instructed us to separate the girls before escorting them to class. Rose shot Lissa a panicked look before she was led away, looking at her retreating figure with a concerned expression. I studied her carefully. Alberta had just told her that she needed to pass by the guidance counsellors first, but Rose wasn’t paying attention. After a second, her mouth set into a grim line and she grudgingly stalked off.

When we were alone, Alberta turned to me. ‘So, you think it is true then?’

I nodded, watching Rose turn a corner, her hair flowing after her in a seemingly dismissive gesture. ‘I’ve been watching her. It’s obvious. I don’t doubt it for a second.’ I turned to Alberta, meeting her eye. ‘Neither should you.’ Alberta looked a little stunned by my seriousness, but I needed to have said it. I didn’t think it wise to let many people at this school know about the bond, but the few people that knew needed to take it seriously.

We both turned to see Rose coming back five minutes later, and I immediately adopted my no-nonsense guardian face. Rose may be a unique and captivating girl, but there was no excuse for my close observation of her. This was school. I was a teacher, and she was now my student. Rose announced that she had Advanced Guardian Combat Techniques for first period, and Alberta and I silently escorted her there. Normally, we would have walked behind her to ensure she did not sneak off, but I purposefully took my position in front of Rose, Alberta coming up next to me. I was extremely proud that I was able to keep my eyes off the Hathaway girl the entire way, trying to pretend that this was just any other day.

Unfortunately, we made a grand entrance into the gym. Rose froze for a moment, seeming unwilling to enter. Then she steeled herself and, head held high, she scanned the room until her eyes fixed on a male student. I was disappointed to see her offer him a breath-takingly gorgeous grin. It was the first time I had ever seen her smile, and suddenly I was struggling to keep the emotions off my face. My daze didn’t last long however, because then Rose spoke in a typically cocky school-girl voice.

‘Hey Mason, wipe the drool off your face. If you’re going to think about me naked, do it on your own time.’

Ah, I thought. That would explain Rose’s less than holy reputation. Mason Ashford, an admittedly committed and talented novice, snapped out of his awed silence, responding with a lopsided smile. I regarded him quietly, not sure why I was suddenly not feeling too kindred towards him anymore.

Stop! I ordered myself. You’re behaving irrationally! What would my Russian mentors have to say about my ridiculous behaviour? I mentally shook myself, trying to remember that it was a good thing that Rose fit in among her students and even better for her that she got along well with the male novices. I should be glad for her, right?

‘This is my time, Hathaway. I’m leading today’s session,’ Ashford said.

‘Oh yeah? Huh.’ Rose retorted, considering. ‘Well, I guess this is a good time to think about me naked, then.’ I was horrified by her response, barely containing myself from turning and snapping at her. Girls should not be provoking young men in that fashion.

‘It’s always a good a time to think about you naked,’ added another male novice called Eddie Castile.

Oh, ugh. I really did not want to know that any of these boys had ever thought about Rose inappropriately. I shook my head, exasperated, and turned to take off. ‘Glupyye mal’chiki,’ I muttered; Russian for “foolish boys”. I stalked behind Alberta, but before I exited the gym, I paused by the doors. Alberta shot me a questioning look.

‘I think I will stay for a bit. See just how far behind Hathaway is.’ Alberta nodded briskly and continued. I turned to look back.

Rose was by now, predictably, surrounded by a bunch of male squabbling novices. I watched as she threw her head back and laughed, her eyes sparkling with humour. For just a moment, she looked completely carefree, a look so rarely associated with a guardian. I sobered then, realising that she really was just a seventeen year old girl who’d had way too much responsibility thrust upon her at too young an age.

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