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This is the normal story so I would suggest rereading 17.

    When Kira woke up, she found Felix's arms around her. She was warm and comfortable and refused to move. She felt the gentle sway of the Jolly Roger, and closed her eyes, hoping for more sleep, but she felt Felix stir. She kept her eyes shut, still hoping for sleep, but felt a hand stroking her long black hair she had let down the day before. Slowly, she opened her eyes to see Felix looking at her sweetly, a look she had only ever seen in his eyes once before. "Good morning Kitten," he whispered to her, "We should get up. We will be in Storybrooke soon." Kira nodded and they both stood up, letting the heavy quilt fall off of them. Sure enough, they were in Storybrooke, and all the boys around them were awakening, too. Soon, they were all herded off the boat, and onto the the docks. All the adults were hugging, and cheering while the Lost Boys just stood there. Felix, and Henry however, stood off to the side, talking as if they had a secret. Then, Kira heard Henry yell, "Mom! Dad! What about Felix? He's still free!" From her position looking out at the waters. She turned around to hear Charming, "Don't worry Henry, we've got plenty of cell space for him," and he grabbed Felix's arm, pulling him away. That's when Kira heard the dreaded the dreaded words come from Henry's mouth, "And, what about Kira?"

Thanks for reading. Please comment any ideas or suggestion you have. Sorry for the odd updating schedule, I am having a very rainy weekend so I've had a lot of time to write and post. Thanks for reading and byeeeeee!!!

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