When Kira Got To Neverland: Part 7

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Kira's POV
    My eyes fluttered open to see Felix, and Peter, both with worried looks on their faces. "Boys," I said trying to get their attention, only to end in a coughing fit, and whimpering a mewing sound. "Hey Kitten," joked Felix, breaking their conversation first. "Kira," Peter said breathlessly, "Are you okay? How do you feel?"
Felix's POV
    Kira's only answers to her brother's questions were moans, and trying to shift in her bed, wincing. "Felix, go get some water, and food for Kira," Peter ordered me, and I left the tent.
Peter's POV
    Once Felix left the tent, I knelt down next to my sister, hugging her. "Kira, I'm glad you're okay, but what happened? Wh-Why?" I asked her. "I-I don't really know," coughed Kira, "One second, I was sitting on a log watching the bonfire. The next, I was against a tree with William pointing his sword at me." She broke into another fit of coughing, and her eyes fluttered close.
A Few Hours Later...
Kira's POV
    I woke up in bed again. Opening my eyes, I saw only the empty tent. No Felix, no Peter, no one. I tried to sit up only to fall back, holding in a cry at the pain in my arm and head. A cold breeze drifted in the tent flaps, and I shivered . I heard the boys yelling, and howling, and saw their silhouettes backlit by the bonfire against the tent's cloth walls. I heard someone singing, a girl's voice, a lullaby, singing me to sleep.

Comment down below who you think the girl is and any ideas you! Thanks for reading and BYEEEEEE!!!

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