Chapter Thirty Six

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We rode until my butt was sore and my legs were numb. And I was pretty sure my hair was going to be permanently blowing out behind me from our speed. And yet, I could barely complain about any of this because my mind was stuck on her. Oh and the black, looming castle in front of us was a bit distracting…

This is as far as we can take you. I wish you luck Victoria. Aqua suddenly stopped and I slid off of her, my legs barely holding me up when I hit the ground.

I turned to Aqua. Thank you for taking us here. I appreciate your help.

I will see you after you defeat her Princess. Those were the last words Aqua said to me before running off with the other unicorns. My friends were all on their feet and we all glanced at each other. This was really it.

“Are you guys ready?” Blake asked. I saw his fingers glide over the handle of the sword attached to his belt. Yes, he got a sword, it was completely unfair.

“No, but let’s go,” I muttered. I started to step forewords, but a hand landed on my arm.

Zane withdrew his hand when I looked over at him. “We need to use the fairy dust first.”

“What is it for?”

Kia answered, “It hides you. If people aren’t looking for you they can’t find you. They don’t expect us to be there so they won’t be able to see us.”

“Oh… how do we use it?”

She reached up and took the bottle of fairy dust from around her neck. She pulled it open and sprinkled it over herself. Nothing happened. “I can still see you,” I stated.

She rolled her eyes. “That’s because you know I’m here. Just use it.”

“Okay…” Everyone else was already opening their bottles so I followed their examples and did the same. Then I sprinkled it onto myself, clenching my eyes and mouth shut just in case.

“Alright now we can go in,” Zane said, drawing his sword. Everybody else got a sword...

We all started towards the castle in silence, moving in a sort of unintentional formation. It was the same formation as the night the ghoul attacked. We reached the doors and Jason opened them easily, letting us all pour inside.

I was shocked at the sight before me. The walls were white but had black patterns stretched over them in intricate designs. Everything seemed a shade darker inside the castle and I could practically feel all the negative energy pushing in on me. It was suffocating.

The room was empty, but I could hear shuffling from further inside. I followed everyone else down the hallway and into a gothic kitchen. Everything was dark and broken or overused. The people there were strange. They were so tall their heads touched the ceilings and the skin was the color of snow but adorned with the black lines that she caused. Their hair looked like a bunch of icicles and their eyes seemed dead. They definitely weren’t human.

My breathing quickened as one turned towards us. I was sure he was going to attack us, but he just blinked, shook his head and continued to the fridge. Zane tapped my wrist, letting me know we were leaving. I nodded once and followed them out of the kitchen.

We went through several more rooms, all filled with different species. None of them noticed us and before I knew it, we were on the stairs. They circled up and up so high you couldn’t see the top, but that didn’t deter us. We marched upwards, towards the top, where she would be waiting.

The steps seemed to end much too quickly despite the long trek up them. I knew it was only my nerves that made the long climb seem like two minutes. I was terrified. Soon it would be us, seven tired young people against an all-powerful force that conquered an entire world.

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