Chapter One

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Chapter One

Faith couldn’t believe how good she felt since arriving on Asgard; strong, healthy, even her hair felt more lustrous. She was certainly going to feel physically good while she was here, if nothing else.

They had ridden from the site of the bifrost and since she didn’t know how to ride a horse, she had been too busy trying to stay on the beast to sightsee, but she had liked what little she had seen and was looking forward to exploring properly. Thor told her that servants would take her cases from the bifrost to her rooms, apparently, and she vaguely wondered what ‘rooms’ looked like, having never in her life had more than one to call her own.

They dismounted at the palace entrance and stewards took the horses from them. Faith just had time to look up and realise how huge this place was, before she had to jog to keep up with Thor.

“It is a good day,” Thor said with a smile, glancing at her.

She didn’t reply.

“You disagree?”

“It depends on your point of view,” she answered.

“I know you mortals are not exactly thrilled at Loki’s release, but he is a changed man.”

“Is he?”

“He is,” Thor assured her.

“Which is why he pretended to be Odin?”

“The Allfather was not harmed,” Thor assured her. “And while leading our people, Loki proved himself a good leader and a good man. He is the reason we were able to defeat Thanos.”

Faith said nothing, unable to believe that a man could have a complete change of character. If he had been a good man while posing as Odin, it was probably because he was mimicking Odin.

“You will see for yourself in time, and be able to report back to your superiors,” Thor said with a confident smile.

Faith nodded her understanding.

After walking what felt like a mile of corridors, they finally reached the throne room, which needed another long hike to reach the throne.

“It’s a good job I’m fit,” she said softly. “I have a feeling I could run a marathon in this place, just walking to and from my quarters.”

Thor chuckled softly.

When they finally reached the base of the throne, Thor kneeled and Faith followed suit.

“Allfather, I bring you SHIELD’s representative from Midgard, the Lady Faith.”

“Rise,” the Allfather said, and they both got to their feet. “I do not like the idea of a mortal on Asgard, you do not belong here, you are too fragile.”

Nice to meet you too,’ she thought but she wasn’t brave enough to say it.

“However, given Loki’s actions on your planet, I have decided to grant you permission to stay in the hopes of improving relations between our realms. This does not mean your presence is welcome here and should any harm befall you whilst you are here, Thor has made it clear to your employers that we will bear no responsibility for it.”

‘Gee, you’re all fun and games,’ she thought, but she answered with, “I understand.”

“Take care that you do not interrupt the normal functioning of the palace.”

“I will.”

“Good. Now go.”

She wanted to ask when Loki would be released but she felt oddly intimidated by his hostility. Even Fury’s abrupt attitude was nothing compared to Odin.

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