Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Gaining permission from Modguor to cross the river Gjoll was far easier than Faith expected. She had pictured something similar to Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, with tests of bravery, courage and endurance, or at least a riddle.

The giantess looked fearsome but in the end, she simply wanted to know their business in Helheim and once Loki had explained, she stood aside and wished them well.

The kingdom was now just a few hours ride away and baring any attacks, they just had to face the hellhounds before they could gain entrance to the city. Of course, that could be easier said than done. Faith was picturing something like Dobermans or Rottweilers but when they finally caught a glimpse of the city, she realised that they were about the size of a large van.

The city also seemed heavily fortified, with walls easily fifty feet high.

They were far enough away that the hounds hadn’t spotted them yet, and Faith expected Loki to pause and plan an attack. Instead Loki suddenly kicked Sleipnir into a gallop and they raced towards the city.

Faith clung on for dear life, terrified that she would die either falling from the horse, or in the jaws of a hellhound. Neither sounded pleasant.

Sleipnir began to reach speeds that Faith had never dreamed a horse could do but thanks to the black, sandy earth, they didn’t make a lot of noise, so it wasn’t until they were perhaps a hundred meters away that the dogs were even roused from their slumber.

There were five hounds in total, the largest the size of a bus and over Loki’s shoulder, Faith saw his eyes widen in surprise, then his teeth draw back as he growled, then he leapt at them, the other dogs following his lead.

She clenched her eyes closed, certain that the dogs were about to bring Sleipnir down, then she felt the horse jump. She risked opening her eyes and saw that they were flying, right over the wall into the kingdom on the other side. Sleipnir was glowing slightly green, so she guessed that Loki was using magic to help him levitate. Either that, or Sleipnir would put every winner ever of the Horse of the Year Show to shame.

Grace barely kept her breakfast down but Loki sat as sure as an ancient tree and thanks to her strong grip, she was as safe as he.

Sleipnir landed gracefully and cantered in a wide circle as he slowed down to a walk.

“You can let go now.” Loki sounded pained and she realised that she wasn’t just holding on with all her might, she was holding on with Asgardian strength.

“Oh god, I’m sorry.” She loosened her grip and he seemed to relax. “What was that?”

“Sleipnir is an excellent horse, able to do far more than your human beasts and with a little help from my magic, you can see what we accomplished.”

Faith practically fell from the saddle since her limbs felt like jelly, and she made her way to Sleipnir’s head.

“Are you okay? You didn’t hurt yourself?”

That was fun!’ he neighed and she patted his neck, relieved.

Erethral beings drifted all around them and slowly a crowd of sorts began to form. The city itself seemed to be in ruins but she supposed that wasn’t surprising, what use did ghosts have for buildings?

She heard marching suddenly and from thin air, a line of beings advanced upon them, some sort of pointy weapon aimed at her. She backed up until she felt Loki’s arms encircle her waist as he pulled her against him.

“What business have you here?” a chilling voice asked and slowly, those who had been advancing on them split down the middle and in the gap, came a being in a long black, hooded cloak. Below the hood, Faith could just make out the jaw line of a skull. She pressed herself closer to Loki.

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