Skittle Love

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Chapter 1

Ariana's Pov 

"La la la la la la~ Sing the happy song~" I sang as I skipped down the hall, popping a green skittle into my mouth. Hi! I'm Ariana Emmet! I'm 17, loving life and SKITTLES! They are my life, my babies! Whee! My friends say I eat too much of them, skittles are probably the reason I'm hyper all the time.

Speaking of my friends, there they are! "Sky! Hilary!" I shouted and ran to them. "Ari!" they greeted me cheerfully and engulfed me in a bear hug. We then hooked our arms together and walked to our first class. We were nearing our classroom when I suddenly remembered that I left my extra packet of skittles in my locker!

"Oh no! My skittles!" I shouted and ran back to my locker. I had already finished the first packet and I was craving for more. I took out my last packet from my locker, opening it immediately and checked the time. Oh shoot! 7.58AM! I have two minutes! I ran as fast as I could and turned the corner...

BAM! I hit something. No wait. Someone. The impact sent my skittles flying everywhere. "NO MY SKITTLES!" I cried and dropped to my knees trying to save them. I glared up at the person who I bumped into. Wow! He was Josh Evans. THE Josh Evans. Damn he was hot. Oh shut up Ariana! He's a bad guy! He murdered your babies!

I straightened my back and glared at Josh Evans. He must have noticed my inward argument just now as he was smirking at me. Ugh. I hate him. He is a murderer. A hot murderer. "STUPID BRAIN STOP IT!" Uh oh. I said that out loud. Cue mental slap. *slap slap* Done.

"You are a murderer! You killed my babies!" I shouted. "Woah... Their just skittles babe!" He was biting down on his lip trying not to laugh. "UGH! Those were my last packet JERKPID!" I shouted. "Okay okay..." he said holding his hands up, surrendering. "I'll buy you another one." "Whatever." I muttered and walked to class. "Bye Skittles!" he called after me and I just threw my hands into the air before shouting "Shut it!". Stupid jerk face.

I knocked on the door of my class and went in, not even bothering to greet my teacher, Ms Willows. "Ariana! Where have you been?" she asked and I looked up. If looks could kill I would probably be a million feet under. "Umm. I was. Uhh... Getting my skittles?" I stuttered. "Do you know how late you are? It's 8.20!" She lectured. I nodded my head and she sighed, turning back to the board.

"Hey! Where are your skittles?" Sky asked. "Some dumb guy made me drop them." I grumbled. I was so tired AND hungry. I NEED MY SKITTLES. Soon the bell rang and it was time for break. I immediately ran to the store and bought my skittles. We then went back to our lessons. I didn't see Mr Jerkpid for the rest of the day so I was happily chewing on my last few skittles.

"Ring!" the bell sounded signaling it was time for lunch. "Hey! Whatcha getting for lunch Ari?" Hilary asked me. I shrugged and just dragged them to the cafeteria. We got our meals and sat in our regular table, at the corner. Yup, we were the "unpopular" people.

Hilary, Sky and I were chatting and laughing away when suddenly the both of them stopped and stared at me. "Umm... Guys?" I asked. "Ari... T-turn around." Sky stuttered. I turned slowly and hit someone. AGAIN. "Hey Skittles!" Jerkpid said. Oh no. "Heh Jerkpid!" I said with fake enthusiasm.

He put his hand over his heart and said "So hurtful Skittles!" "Can you leave?" I groaned. "Sure... Oh and here's a packet of skittles." He said and put a packet of my babies in front of me. RESIST. RESIST. "It's okay! I don't want it I can buy it myself." I replied. I RESISTED!

"Oh really? This is the last packet. I guess I'll just take this and eat the yummy skittles inside. Which color should I sta-" I cut him off and snatched the skittles from his hand. "Thanks. Now bye!" I chirped. "I knew you couldn't resist me. Bye skittles!" He winked at me and strolled back to his table. RESISTANCE FAIL.

"OH MY GOSH! Ari how did you know Josh?" Hilary asked. "THE JOSH EVANS..." Sky and Hilary chorused. "He was the... EVIL JERKPID MURDERER THAT KILLED MY LAST PACKET OF SKITTLES!" I said loudly. "LOVE YOU TOO!" he shouted back. ARGH.

"He says he loves you. He says he loves you!" my two best friends squealed. "Oh puh-lease... He loves me but I don't..." I retorted. "YOU USED TO HAVE A CRUSH ON HIM!" Sky shouted. "Really?" Jerkpid asked. "IN YOUR DREAMS!" I shouted back. For once in my life, I was glad the bell rang. I dragged the girls out and glared at them.

"Sorry~" They both said innocently and gave me the puppy eyes. I huffed and just pulled them to theatre class. Theatre was my favorite thing to do, I look forward to this class every day. I skipped into class and greeted my teacher, Mr Davis. All of us greeted him and sat on the ground, waiting for instructions. "Oh they're here!" Mr Davis chirped. What? I turned around and my jaw dropped. Oh no. Oh no. Oh my unicorn cabbage cotton candy skittles.

Hey! So I decided to write another story and this is more of a humor kind of book. After reading this chapter what do you think? Should I continue? Comment below! Love you guys! xxx 


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