August 2011

3 0 0


Dear diary,

Again sorry for the lack of writing, but it's summer so I haven't had the time.

Me and Sophie were together last night to have a sleep over and we didn't sleep at all! It was so badass, even though we had to go swim the next day and meet some boys and in the train I fell asleep and we almost didn't get of at the right station.

When I got home I felt kinda sick so I just ate some food and then went straight back to sleeping.




Dear diary!

Now I'm thirteen and officially a teenager!

I had a party with the girls and we had a popcorn machine and karaoke bar!

I got a small camera and it's really cool.


I like John..

We sit beside each other in class and he tickles me and tries to annoy me for fun. He is really sweet, but I've only liked him for two days so I'll wait and see.

Minnie wants to have a sleepover because she has a surprise for me since she kinda forgot my birthday!

But I'm goannas read now, we have some French to do.




Dear diary!

Mom and I shopped today and she payed !

I got:

Yoga pants

High waisted jeans

Loose t shirt

Eyelash curler

Chapstick with color

Striped blouse

Cool right?

Mom said she would buy me a pair of shoes too!

It's because it's the first week of school and my birthday!

Mom said I might have permission to get boots with a tiny heel on them!




I still like John! Today I tried to pick me up but he sat me down when I didn't like it anymore. I know he isn't the hottest guy in the class but he treats me nice and isn't annoying or stupid.

I don't wanna be like the time with Zach, I know he isn't the one and only, but I like him.




Dear diary!

Today I looked at John and noticed he has a lot if sits... It's kinda gross but I don't care so much about the look since he's so nice to me.

If we took Johns personality, Scotts humor, Robert Pattinsons look, a teaspoon of Justin Bieber, Hugo's height, Boohoo Stewarts look and a cup of Jake we would have the perfect guy!

It's like if you crossed me and Christine you'd get a perfect girl!

I have to write more in my story on my laptop, but I have to delete the part where she gets raped because it's kinda inappropriate to write about in my age.



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