April 2011

8 1 0


Dear Diary,

Sorry for the long wait.

We perfomed our play with the Drama CLub yesterday and I got roses and chocolate.

Me and Zach are getting really close at the moment, the rumor says that if I ask him carefully, he might say yes. But I'm really shy...


Dear Diary!!!


I asked Zach!!!! And he said yes!

Since we're on holiday I texted him a long text and he said I was sweet and he liked me too!

I'm so happy! (I was really exited lol.)




Dear Diary,

Me and Zach have been together for a week now!

Some days ago, I was with Emmy from B's littlesister at my place. I don't have a lot of friends in my class, and she asked if I wanted to be together. We went to my house and she stole my littlebrothers football cards and my erasers from my special collection!

We talked to her parents and I got them back, but they where used and ruined! I hate her!

Yesterday I shopped with Christine, it was my first time taking the train alone!



I actually glued the train ticket to the page and it's still there.

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