October 2011

3 0 0


Dear diary...

Me, Christine and Emmy were at Polka... (A/N: Polka was a soda party for kids at the age 12-16 even tho you stop when you're 14 because it's the lamest thing ever.)

Jake and John were there... I said 'hi' but Jake just gave me the middle finger and walked away..

I really like Emmy and Mandy from the other class! (A/n: we have a A and B class.)

I'm really sad about Jake though, I really liked him and I thought he liked me too.




Dear diary,

I came home from the drama weekend camp today!

I'm so so so tired...

Tomorrow it's back to hell... Aka school. And Jake..

I don't feel like myself in class, when I'm at drama I can be myself.. In school I get bullied because I'm different, because it wear colorful clothes and I'm not very tall.. I wish I could be at drama every day..

(a/n: Fun fact: I am now sixteen and moving to a new school and I can't wait because I am so done with all those shitty people.)




Dear diary!

I'm at grandma and grandpas house. Me and my brother will be here till Saturday, it's Monday today.

Me and grandma are drawing, she's really good. She gave me a new pair of sunglasses and a cute bag.




Dear diary,

Last night I dreamt that I was at the gym alone because I forgot my keys and when I got there Scott and Jake were there. They said I should fuck off and I told Jake; "That's sad because I really like you" and walked out the door but then Jake followed me and told me he loved me but I walked away but he grabbed my arm and said "I only want you".

It was such a cool dream, I wish it would actually happen.




Dear diary!

My room is redecorated! New bed and paintings!

Soon me and Christine are gonna be together and make a girls night!




Dear diary!

Today Ryan bullied me really bad again..

I went home from school early and cried and mom is gonna have a meeting with my teacher.

I've cried the most of the day and Christine and Emmy told me they rather would go to polka alone without me.. It's in five days! Luckily I got a new one to go with, but it was just really mean..

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2014 ⏰

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