An endless search

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This planet felt... strange to you.

The ground was soft under your paws, but you were used to hard metal. Your claws dug into the moist earth as you propelled yourself from your crash site.

You had two things on your processor: find a suitable master and some energon.

Your scanners didn't indicate any sources of energon nearby, what a pity. You saw flesh-like beings dart from the tree line, but you did not need meat to survive. You needed energon.

You wandered aimlessly for days, your tank occasionally reminding you that you were starving. You encountered no Autobots, which was strange. Had they not found this planet yet?

Even worse, had the Decepticons not found this planet yet? No, you refused to believe that. Megatron was a power-hungry warlord, he would search endlessly for planets to take over. You just had to be patient and wait.

One day, while you were strolling through a rough canyon of orange stone, your scanners picked something up.

"Energon..." You hissed, your glossa swiping across your parted mandible. Your hunger had driven you here, and you were ready to finally please it.

You darted between rocks and boulders, your burning red optics scanning for any potential threat. Your olfactory sensor picked up an interesting scent and you went to investigate.

Your audials twitching, you slowly followed the scent through a narrow crack in the rock. It became stronger and saliva pooled in your mouth. You squeezed through the last tight bit, coming out into a large cave of some sort.

"Hmm...." a purr rumbled in your chest as you glanced around you, sniffing cautiously.

A speck of blue caught your optic and you darted over to it, using your claws to scrape aside the rocks. You marveled at the sight of an energon crystal, energon's purest form.

Alas, you couldn't consume the energon in its purest form. Your fangs weren't built for such a beating and your tank wouldn't handle it. You growled in frustration, swatting aside a rock and listening as it smashed against the wall.

"What was that?"

Voices, you heard voices nearby. Your audials pinned against your cranium and you ducked behind a large boulder, your dark grey frame blending in perfectly.

You heard heavy pedesteps approaching your position and you hissed quietly, arching your backstrut and preparing to attack if necessary.

"Come on, Starscream. It's just a rock." You heard a rough voice speak.

You realized that the mech said 'Starscream' and you froze. "That glitch is here?! Oh Primus..." you growled to yourself, risking a peek around the boulder.

"I swear, Dreadwing! I swear I heard something in here!" Starscream protested, his wings fluttering angrily.

"Dreadwing? Never heard of him..." you thought, studying the tall mech's frame.

He wasn't a seeker, that's for sure. You guessed that he had the same alt mode as Starscream, except it was heavily armored. His armor plating was coated with navy blue paint along with highlights of gold around the edges. He looked tough and sharp to you, exactly what a Decepticon should look like.

"So the Decepticons are here after all... maybe Starscream can take me to them.." you thought, ready to make your appearance.

But one voice stopped you in your tracks.

"Are you two idiots done whining?"

"Shockwave.." you remembered him, that creepy one-eyed mech. He was the one who created you.

He created you when Ravage was killed in action. You never really got to meet him, though. You didn't even know who you were supposed to belong to. You've just been floating in space for the past few eons, questions burning in your processor.

You heard his heavy pedesteps approach and you ducked behind the boulder again, your audials raised in interest. You wanted to run out there and greet him, but you knew he wouldn't remember you.

You wanted to get out of there as fast as you could, but there was one thing stopping you. You wanted to return to the Decepticons. Shockwave and Starscream could bring you to them and you could finally stop wandering.

You crept around the boulder silently, trying not to draw their attention. You hissed out loud when you ran straight into something and banged your cranium.

"What was th— Autobots!" The mech named Dreadwing shouted, pulling out his blaster from his back and firing a few shots.

You yowled, scrambling to get out of the line of fire. Small rocks and pebbles rained down on your frame as you darted this way and that, trying to find a way to escape.

A stray blast caught you in the side and you hissed in pain, slipping and tumbling to the floor. You tried to get to your paws, but the pain was too great. "Frag, major left circuitry is fried. I'm a sitting target here..." you thought, trying to drag yourself behind a boulder for cover.

You left a trail of glowing blue energon as you dragged yourself. You strength was slowly ebbing away from lack of fresh energon and you couldn't pull yourself anymore. You collapsed in defeat and bared your fangs, snarling at anything that came near you.

Suddenly, it went quiet. No more gunshots. No more battle cries or shouts of encouragement. Nothing moved and nothing made a sound.

"Did the Autobots retreat?" You thought, breathing heavily.

"Well Well Well... what do we have here? A kitty cat, I presume?" Starscream's scratchy voice interrupted your thoughts and your head snapped up to look at him.

"Scrap...." you hissed under your breath, your tail thrashing wildly behind you.

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