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The bell had rung, students rushing through the halls to their either their lockers or to their designated classes, some were at the office surrendering their phones as it wasn't allowed during class periods, unlike you. You heaved a sigh, sitting in one of the benches, knowing you had to surrender yours as well, like everybody else.

Tell me about your day later in Starbucks kkkk?

All right !! But I have to go now ;( classes are starting hhh

Aww, okie:< See u later aft classes !! Love you💕💕💕

Love you more💖

Love you most;) 💖

Smiling, you turned off your phone before rushing to your classroom. Once you reached, you had sat down, throwing your heavy bag to the floor as you had kept your phone in the pocket of your jogging pants. With a small smile still plastered on your face. He made your heart beat irregularly when you're with him, you've been friends since you both were five but you'd turn out to like him as time flew, unknowingly he liked you as well until that very day he confessed to you, from then both of you started dating.

Licking your lips, tasting the strawberry Chapstick you had applied, you focused your eyes on your bag, sitting up straight, you adjust then bend over to take out your small sketch book and a pencil, not knowing your phone had dropped to the floor. You sat back and started to sketch your favourite character, moomin.

The guy behind you had picked your phone up, having an idea not to return it till you find out it's missing.


Class ended in two hours, it was already recess as you rushed out to your locker, switching books for the next class, before you could even grab your history notebook, your locker door was slammed shut. You sigh at the rude behavior, reaching in the pocket of your jogging pants to get your phone, realizing it was no longer there.

Panicked. You were panicked. Eyes widened, hands continuesly roaming the pockets of your jogging pants.

'Shit' you were about to run back to your classroom until the guy who slammed your locker shut pulled out a familiar device, his hand slowly waving it up in loops, eyebrows creased, eyes teasingly observing you as he had a sly smirk on his face.

"Looking for this?" He questioned, still with a smirk painted on his face

"Give it back please" you begged, seeing the screen light up. "Oh look, a text from, Baejin?" He teased "hope to see you later once my practice is over, love you. Ooh this why you didn't surrender your phone to the office?"

"Please give it back, I really need it" you sigh once more

"Why would I give it back? You broke a school rule, it should be confiscated" lecturing you, he gave a charming smile as you pouted

"Geez thanks Renjun" you rolled your eyes, crossing your arms over your chest.

"And I'll return this, maybe when you learn your lesson" he then walked away with your phone in his uniform jacket, leaving you alone before walking to 5th period.

Shrugged shoulders as you seated, listening to what the teacher was discussing, forgetting all about your phone.

Classes ended and you walked by the locker area to get your supplies needed before heading to the cafè to meet Jinyoung.

Reaching the cafè, you picked your usual booth, also ordered while waiting for Jinyoung.

You waited and waited, he was late, literally late by 2 hours, you were about to fall asleep till an employee came

"Miss we are closing now..." she sighed

"Oh... okay, thanks" you said before gathering your things and left.

You felt tears dripping down, it's always been like that, he'd not show up any more, unlike before

Once you reached home, you decided to take a fresh shower, finishing off to get dressed before going to bed as ypu finished your school work while waiting for Jinyoung

Laying on bed, lips had left a soft sigh "why isn't he showing up?" You then checked your bag to see if your phone was there until you remembered

"Fuck you Huang Renjun" he has your phone.

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