You where just messing around with each other when you got a clue from Marcus CALL M- HELLO Y- HEY M- I WAS WONDERING IF YOU WANT TO HANG OUT Y- SURE M- GREAT MEET ME DOWN STAIRS Y- KK SEE U M- BYE CALL ENDED
On I can't wait you got dressed in this
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Yo did your make up and let you hair lose (By the why you hair is long and thick down under your butt ) You went down stairs and see Marcus waiting for u
MARCUS pov I wanted to tell y/n how I feel so I asked if she wanted to hang out and luckily she said yes so I was waiting down stairs when I she the most beautiful woman alive y/n I was shocked of how beautiful she is when she said "hey" I came out of my thoughts and said " hi ready to go " yep she said We went to the movies then the carnival and I thought why not get her a gift so I bought he a teddy bear and she loved it after that we went to the beach and I finally stop her and held both her hands she looked confused and I said "y/n I know this might sound weird but I think you look very beautiful and I alway had a crush on you " when she said "me too" I was shocked I was wondering if you want to be my girlfriend "of course " ya I said when I kissed her we heard fireworks and it was the best day of my life