what's happening

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It's been 3 months and u and Marcus decided to take a break Marcus wasn't happy about it but you didn't care that much you were chilling with Dari when you got a call from lil mosey
lil m - sup
You - hey
Lil m -need u  down stairs in ten minutes
You- kk see u
You told Dari and he was kinda sad but you promised to spend time later you got dressed in this outfit

When u went down u saw Lucas invanita and Marcus u didn't say any thing but you saw lil mosey and jumped in his arms Marcus saw and u could tell he was jelly u guys just chilled in the lobby when u saw them again you quickly sat on lil mosey's lap...

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When u went down u saw Lucas invanita and Marcus u didn't say any thing but you saw lil mosey and jumped in his arms Marcus saw and u could tell he was jelly u guys just chilled in the lobby when u saw them again you quickly sat on lil mosey's lap and that's when he kissed u
U where so shocked that you even kissed back then they left
After you guys were done you said your goodbyes  ( by the way u and Marcus share a room )
When you got got in got in Marcus was quite on his phone on your instagram you sat still on your bed when you  two fell asleep.

marcus dobre imagine 2018Where stories live. Discover now