MARCUS POV so today I thought why not prank my angle y/n so I thought why not stay over night in her hotel with out her knowing I couldn't do it alone so Lucas came with we had to wit till see was in the bathroom so we can sneak under her bed we waited for her to leave and luckily see went to take off her make up si we quietly snuck under her bed semi was on her phone chilling on her bed we sat their for a while it was 3am And she was still awake she finally went to the porch and play taste ( SONG ABOVE) she sat alone in the dark looking at the stars when she finally went to sleep we did the same we woke up to the sound of music I woke up Lucas and we tried to find where she is she went to the porch and scrolled through instagram (BY THE WAY SHE WEARING THIS )
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She looks amazing we quietly snuck out and ended the video I wanted to meet fans with Y/n so she said yes we went and she took so many pics
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