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The woman ran down the orderly hallway, clutching her precious cargo. She glanced frantically over her shoulder. The Carrier was half a step behind her. She rushed towards the end of the hallway. The Carrier reached out, and grabbed the woman's shoulder.

"Give it to me," he ordered. The woman shook her head, brown locks falling out of her orderly bun.

"No! Get away from me!" she screeched. The Carrier sighed, then took out a small syringe. As fast as a snake going for the kill, he inserted the syringe into the back of the woman's neck. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head, and she slumped to the ground. The Carrier gently lifted the precious cargo out of the woman's limp hands. He carried the cargo back to the pristine hospital room. He unwrapped the bundle. Inside, was a baby. The Carrier picked up the sleeping infant, and brought her to the train that would lead to Mal. As the train began to move, the baby's eyelids flew open to reveal vivid green irises.

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