Chapter 1

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As much as I like school... I can't wait for this hell to end.

The last month of high school is the worst thing you can ever experience in life. Everybody is stressing out over the simple things and having no more social life. High school is pretty much like hell on earth at this point of the year. Especially for seniors like myself. The last year in high school is the moment when you have to decide what you are going to be for the rest of your life, some already know the path they are going to take and other students... not so much. Me? I always wanted to be a writer, but since I don't want to live poor for the rest of my life, I decided to become an English teacher and write on the side. I have the best grade someone could hope for, so I am not one of the students stressing out for this last year in hell, in contrary to some of my friends...

"Can we reach the end of the year already?!" one of my best friends said, fake crying into my ear. "The exam starts in only a month and I already feel like dying honestly."

"Sting can you just shut up for once?" I said, checking if my ear was still intact. "You probably pierce my eardrum."

"I just said that I was feeling like dying and you don't care?!" He said, putting his hand on his heart and looking so shock about this no fucking idea why. "What kind of friend are you?"

"The kind that hates you, but is forced to see your stupid ass because you have a cool brother."

"Rogue cool? Are we talking about the same one?" Sting said, pointing to his step brother that looks extra done with life, which we are probably are the reason why.

"You only have one as I know." I said, opening my locker.

"You know that this cool dude like you say, wears a pink one piece, which matches with the one he put on his cat and actually cries if he doesn't know where she is in the house or when she does anything cute...?

"Yes? And? He's still cooler than you."

"You kidding me Kori?! I am the coolest guy that ever existed, nobody can resist me!"

"Sting... Shut up." Rogue finally said to his brother whose face was probably the funniest he ever made today.

I have been friends with Sting and Rogue since we were 12. They were new in the city and while Sting was trying to show how stupid he was to make the most friends possible, his brother alone with a book and it was making me curious, so one day I decided to go talk to him, still the best decision of my life, except that I have to deal with Sting every single day of my life now , which is a real burden. Sting's dad and Rogue's mom married when they were five and they became really close, it's not like they had a choice either.

I took my bag and put everything I needed for my homeworks and studying. I was going to close my locker when I received a text from my cousin.

«Hey Kori, do you think cats talk in every language that exists?! :o »

What the... was she really asking me that? I love my cousin, but she can be really weird sometimes, probably the reason why Sting is in love with her. She's still more intelligent than Sting, this is probably why she hates him.

«Why are you asking me that??? I don't know! Probably not »

"Who are you texting to?" Sting asked, looking at my Phone.

"Do you know what privacy is, idiot?"

"I am your best friend! I have the right to know!"

"Can you two stop? I am getting a headache." Rogue said, starting to walk away from us.

I closed my locker's door and followed Rogue, Sting not far from us.

"So did you have news from Elleira lately?"

"Yes, but not for you."

"Aww... What did I do! I want to see her again!"

"Sting last time you met my cousin you almost finished at the hospital... again."

"And? She's still a goddess!" He exclaimed and everybody looked at him like he was on drugs.

"Oh Sting, I didn't know you were a masochist." Rogue said, with a smirk.

"For Elleira I could do anything she wants." He said, giving us a wink.

"I so didn't want to know that! God Sting, keep your thoughts for yourself please."

"We don't need to know your dirty thoughts Sting." Rogue said, opening his locker.


"Just shut up and take your bag in your locker please."



"So want to do something tonight?

"Like what study together? Korimi I don't have your brain, how do you want me to do anything else other than Study?" Sting cried again.

"Do you really study anyway? And I am pretty sure your cat is smarter than you so even if you study, it's pretty much a waste of time."

Sting looked at me with a hurt face, but I ignored him, I said the worst in the past. We crossed the road to go to my house, we lived on the same road but mine was closer to school.

'Actually, we can't." Rogue said. "My mom wants to talk to us about something, I think my cousin is returning to town with his fiancé."

"You mean Gajeel and Levy? Meeeen... it will be hell in the house."

"Oh yeah I think Juvia told me about it, she was too excited, I didn't really understand when and why."

The rest of the way Sting proceeds to cry about the fact that Gajeel was coming on his territory. We can say that they never really loved each other, plus Rogue was ignoring him when his cousin was there. Sting loved having the attention, his brother's attention even more .

"So I'll see you guys tomorrow?" I said giving a hug to Rogue and ignoring Sting to make him mad.

"Yes, see you tomorrow."

"I am not going without my hug!" Sting said, forcing me into a hug and running away from me a second after with a stupid grin on his face. What did I do to deserve to meet this bitch?

Rogue smiled at me and followed his brother who was now two houses away from mine waiting for the darker one to reach him. I walked to the front of my house and saw a car that I didn't really recognize in my parking lot. I opened the door, I knew my sister was already home, so it wasn't locked. I put my bag on the floor and called for her.

"Juvia, you're here?"

"Yes Kori-Chan! Juvia is in the kitchen with Lyon!"

DID SHE SAY LYON?!?!?! I AM GOING TO DIE! You are asking who the fuck is Lyon and why I am going to die? He is my sister's boyfriend's brother. Pretty much one of the most handsome man I ever laid eyes on. Also one of the most intelligent men I met too and a future veterinarian. Kind, but also kind of a bitch to some people, but I am not different so who cares.

I walked to my death to see my sister in an apron. Juvia is not the best cook to exist, but she is not bad, but she likes to cook to impress people. desserts are her specialty. Just in front of her, were Lyon seeting on one of the bench of the kitchen island.

"Kori-Chan! Juvia is so happy to see you, I made some cookies. Do you want some?"

"Yeah why not?" I said shyly when I saw Lyon turning aroun, smiling at me.

'Hi Korimi? How was your day?"

"It was good! Thank you, and you?"

"It was good."

I was really stressing out... Did I say that I had the biggest crush on him?

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