Chapter 7

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A/N: Oh you lucky duckies! Do to high demand here is your next chapter!! Enjoy! I have more to say but NO SPOILERS! So I'll just wait 'til the end of this chapter! Oh the evilness makes me giggle!

Whoops, didn't mean to tease you :P


I took a deep breath and smoothed my hands over my stomach. I fixed my hair up a little bit and listened for the sign that someone had responded.

I knew Johnny was the first online when I heard, "You! I've been trying to call you for the last two weeks! Where have you been!?" He shouted. His voice was a little lower now and I smiled at the familiar sound.

"Around," I shrugged. "I'm sorry though, it was really hectic, trying to get settled in and all," I replied vaguely.

"Yeha I know what you mean. I hate my roommate! He is so annoying and clingy! He's two years younger and thinks I'm a God― which is actually pretty cool― but ohmigod it's sooooo annoying!" He shouted and I could just imagine him pulling his hair out. Roommate issues, huh. Sounds like someone I know, I thought wryly.

I laughed at him and shook my head. My little bro was doing well. He was surviving in a new place, all alone for the first time. I just wasn't sure he was coping with the loss of his parents, and I wasn't quite ready to breach that subject. I wasn't quite sure I was over it either. I pushed those thoughts to the back and asked how school was going, sending him into another whirlwind of words.

"Ahem!" someone cleared their throat and for an embarrassing moment I wasn't sure it was coming from the door or the computer.

"Heather!" Johnny shouted. Computer, it definitely came from the computer. Unless Heather spontaneously tracked me down and forced her way into the pack house. It was possible. Anything was possible if it was Heather. I shook my head and scrapped that thought. I would've heard that, it's definitely the computer.

"Johnny," she greeted cordially but I could hear the hint of a smile.

"Hi Heather," I said with a smile.

She turned on me, all pretense of politeness gone, "Where have you been!! I have been calling you since the day we separated and you don't respond! I was ready to call missing persons!" I covered my ears jokingly and a sheepish smile slipped onto my lips. That just sent her off again. "Don't you smile at me! I just got over a bout of stress induced acne because of you! I'm gonna have an ulcer by the time I'm twenty-five!" she screeched, toward the end though her tone got looser and more exaggerated.

"I missed you Heather," I smiled at her through the camera and she sighed.

"I missed you too."

"What, did no one miss me?"  Johnny piped up.

"Yeah, yeah, you too," I teased.

"God! What is this. Two against one, that's what it is! Just wait until Keagan gets here," he declared and I chuckled. My hands itched to reach out and ruffle his unruly hair so I clenched them in my lap.

"Speak of the devil," Heather said wryly.

"What's up everybody?!" Keagan asked in his laidback surfer-dude way. Johnny immediately repeated everything he had told me to Heather and Keagan.

"So what's going on with you Heath?" Keagan asked.

"Well," she began, excitement permeated her voice and had me waiting on the edge of my seat to hear why. "I'm adopting Johnny after Finals!" she announced.

My mouth dropped open. We had all known Heather was the motherly type and she was half way through with college, but adopting Johnny, who was already a high school sophomore, was not something I saw coming. If the silence was anything to go by, I was not the only person to think this way.

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