-21- (real chapter)

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[my readers tolerating my mental break downs every time I post are amazing sksk anyway vote and comment. Or don't since y'all love not voting or commenting. Sksk ily ]

Heart attack x Loona Chuu

The MC's lips moved and gasps were heard but Kino just smiled. He smiled watching tears come to the eyes of his teammates. He saw tears fall from the fans standing holding his posters. He smiled as he walked off stage.

While voices were still heard as he made his way to the changing room, his smile slowly dropped. Whispers of pity from the staffs were like white sound to his ears.

It seemed like everyone had accepted what happened but it hadn't sunk in for him.

He had to wait until the rest of the recording had ended to leave but he couldn't do it. Kino grabbed his jacket and ran out the building.


Two days of silence passed. Kino spent the days at home surrounded by his parents.

"Sweetie... I think you should go back." His mother started sitting on his bed with a glass of water and giving him his phone that she'd brought back from the living room where he had left it. "The company and your friends have been calling you non-stop. Just go."

"I'm embarrassed." He admitted setting his phone to the side. "But I'll go."

"Good. Your friend should be here to pick you up soon."

"Wait, what friend?" None of trainees could drive and the company was too shitty to send a car for him.

Before she could reply, there was a ring at the doorbell. His mom left the room while Kino started to grab some of his stuff still incredibly confused.

"Who are you?" She questioned the person at the door.


"Faye? What are you doing here?"

"You texted me to come.." she replied nervously not understanding the situation.

"It was me." His mom replied grinning at the girl and pulling her inside. "I made some food. Eat before you go."

"If you insist." She said taking off her shoes and placing them to the side. Kino's mother looked at the girl warmly.

"What's going on?" Faye mouthed at Kino who just shrugged as they followed his mother to the table.

"I'll help you." Faye offered to bring the plates and dishes to the table. Kino sat down trying to take in the whole situation. He had come to conclusion that his mother messed up but liked Faye. Or at least he hoped she did.

"Kino. Your friend is so nice. Why haven't you told me about her?"

"He hasn't talked about me?"

"No. How rude of him." She said slapping his head.

"Mom." He whined rubbing the area.

"I'm sure he hasn't told you he got eliminated either."


"YAH!" Kino yelled standing up and glaring at Faye who just took a spoon full of rice in her mouth.

"This is delicious."

"Thanks, Faye. Kino why haven't you told me you got eliminated? Is that why you've been crying for the last two days?"


"He's been crying? Oh poor baby. Are you okay?"


"Sit down. You're so dramatic. You haven't been kicked off the team."


"You ran away before they explained to you what was happening."

"What do you mean?"

Faye rolled her eyes and sat down her spoon.

"Cube is trash. The show wasn't getting too much attraction because viewers found it boring. To make it interesting, they eliminated one of the most popular contestant. You've been trending on Naver and fans are begging you to be brought back. Cube succeeded in creating buzz."


"Yeah. They were gonna tell you that you had "another chance" but you just disappeared. The filming has been postponed. You have to go back. Your team relies on you."

"How do you know that?"

"I have a friend that works in Cube."

Kino's mother stood up and slapped his head again.

"I didn't raise you to run away! Get out."

Kino could've even properly wear his shoes before the door slammed shut.

"Faye sweetie be sure to come back." They heard from the other side of the door. Faye giggled.

"I think she likes me."

Kino just huffed and followed her to her car. Faye bit her lip as she grabbed his hand and intertwined their fingers. A sigh of relief escaped her lips when he didn't pull away or flinch.

"Don't forget to tell me the secret when you debut." She whispered.

Kino blushed. What was their relationship at this point? They were both afraid to ask.

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