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Hello, new and old readers. This may be surprising, but it is important for me to use any type of platform I have to help those in need. As many of you probably know, an innocent black man named George Floyd was murdered by a white police officer and 3 other police officers who let it happen.

With many protesting and donating, I felt like I also have a part to contribute to help raise awareness on police brutality and racism as a whole in America and all around the world.

I want to praise the hundreds of protesters in America who are risking their lives to fight for what is right.

Please sign petitions or donate if you can! There many innocent black men and women in jail right now, we must get them out while making sure the murderers of black people also go to jail as they deserve!!

Let's destroy systematic racism and help raise the voices of black victims and prevent future black people from dying in the hands of the police and the fucked up justice system. As for my black readers, if there is anything you believe I have not talked about or wish of me to raise awareness of please message me!

If you want to help :

If you want to donate but cannot afford to do so there are many videos on youtube that you can watch who's proceeds will go to to help the movement.

These are only a few of them:

If you want to educate yourself:


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