Rights...And Responsibilities

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The week in bed passed slowly for Anastasia, but she healed well and was soon allowed downstairs, provided she did not move around too much. Visitors called regularly, coming to see how she was and to wish her well, and though Anastasia had been impatient to be allowed out of her room, she found herself often feigning a headache and retiring early to save her from receiving callers. She was therefore extremely relieved when Doctor Burnley, a fortnight after the incident, announced she could make occasional short sorties to the garden to exercise her leg.

Now, to nobody's surprise, Anastasia often spent almost all her time outside. Mlle. Dubois would be called on to bring a rug and some books out to her preferred spot under the willow tree by the lake. Robert, Charlotte and James - for he had become quite an important member of their little group - joined her nearly everyday and their endless requests for jugs of lemonade and ices kept Cook bustling around the kitchen most of the day.

"I must say, I never thought being injured could be so pleasant," Anastasia said on one such occasion, closing her book.

"Neither did I," Robert replied as he helped himself to another glass of chilled lemonade.

Anastasia rolled her eyes. "I didn't realise excessive stomach fat is considered an injury, Robert."

"It isn't, but that comment certainly injured me. I'll have you know I was the fittest player on the cricket team at Eton."

Anastasia, looking sceptical, glanced at James and Charlotte. "You didn't even play cricket for the school team," James pointed out.

"I do not concern myself with such unimportant details." Robert waved him off.

"I think I might attempt a short stroll to the end of the lake and back. Would any of you wish to join me?" Anastasia asked, once she had stopped chuckling.

"Certainly," James said, moving to help her to her feet. Anastasia couldn't help but blush a little as she took his offered hand. His other arm came around her waist to support her, a necessity for her leg still was weak.

"I'd rather stay in the shade in this heat," Charlotte said, her fan fluttering quickly in front of her face. "This must be the warmest summer we've had in some time."

Robert grunted. "I agree. In any case, I'm not sure I'm fit enough to walk so far as the end of the lake and back."

"Mademoiselle?" Anastasia turned to her governess, who had, until now been sitting quietly a little apart from them, sketching the grounds. She looked up now,  glancing from her sketch book to Anastasia.

"You are going only to ze end of ze lake?"

"Yes Mam'zelle," Anastasia replied, watching her Mlle. Dubois contemplate. "It's not far, I'm certain I can manage it. Mr. Campbell can assist me if it proves too much, do not bother yourself," she added.

Mlle. Dubois nodded. "Very well, but turn back if your leg is paining you."

Anastasia smiled and promised she would do so, then turned and hobbled forward at a slow pace, leaning on James' arm. The end of the lake was not far, only a minute's walk if one were going at a normal speed, but with Anastasia's disability it would take them at least ten minutes to make the journey and return. They talked first of trivial things, but once they were out of hearing distance, Anastasia stopped and put a hand on James' arm. "I realise I've never properly thanked you for rescuing me."

He raised his eyebrows. "You will admit it then, that I rescued you? I am astonished." Anastasia coloured, embarrassed. "In any case, I have no doubt you could have swum back on your own had I not intervened, is that not so?" James looked at her expectantly with a sly grin.

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