Chapter Two

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At was about 3 in the morning, Jimin waking up to the sound of Jungkook sneaking out of the room, who by the way was upset when Jimin kicked both of their asses in the game, which was odd because that was his first time playing any game at all. He sighed and rolled over, soon falling back asleep.

-Meanwhile down the hall-

"Did you wake him?" Taehyung whined as Jungkook enter his and Hoseoks room. Jin had called for a brother meeting, minus Jimin because he was obviously the topic of the boys gossip. "I don't think so, I was quiet about leaving- I even left the door cracked a bit for when I return." he spoke quietly as he took a seat on one of the bean bag chairs.

"Okay okay, so far the only ones who have officially met Jimin are Me, Taehyung and Jungkook. Yoongi was too busy being an emo shit in his room while Namjoon and Hoseok were out running the damn roads." Hoseok quickly shot up, "Hey! Namjoon was too fucking scared to come home!" he pouted and pointed to the other who had his nose shoved into a book, like usual.

"For the last time- I wasn't scared, Hoseok you were the one panicking and begging that we stay out longer." he hummed, turning the page. Jungkook shook his head, "So, what the hell are we gonna do? Like- Jimin is the definition of baby boy and fuckable." Jin quickly glared at the raven haired male, "Jungkook he is our fucking stepbrother." he hissed.

"Oh come on Jiiiiin! You've seen him! Jungkook isn't lying!" "How fuckable?" Hoseok spoke up, scooting closer to the two younger boys, Jin simply rolled his eyes, "Guuuys he's our stepbrother, can we not talk about him like this?" he whined, flopping back onto Taehyungs bed. "Look, we're all horny ass boys, thinking about it won't do any harm, as long as we don't act on it." Hoseok smiled, earning a slap on the back of the head from Jin, who had sat up.

"Incorrect, him being our stepbrother makes it wrong. Yes, Jimin is small, and adorable and duh he's the definition of baby boy." Jin shook his head, "But as his stepbrothers we must think of him like family and treat him like our brother." "But Jin! You even adm-" Taehyung was cut off by shuffling outside of the room. They all grew quiet and watched as the door knob turned and a very sleepy Jimin shuffled into the room.

He threw himself onto Hoseoks bed, snuggling up to Yoongi, "what are hyungs talking about..?" he mumbled as he rubbed his eyes. Yoongi groaned and shifted, moving away from the younger, "we're having a fucking sleep over Jimin." he snapped, "A sleep over! Without me!" Jimin gasped dramatically as Hoseok quickly jumped up, scooping the blonde into his arms, cooing. "Oh look at the small Jiminnie~!" he laughed and held Jimin close as he returned to his seat.

Jimin squealed and giggled, "I got scared when I woke up alone." he pouted, snuggling into Hoseoks chest. "Well Hobi hyung will protect the precious Jimin tonight! I heard Jungkookie wanted to sleep in my bed tonight, so if it's okay with you, I would be happy to share the room with you tonight!" Jimin quickly nodded, a soft smile on his face.

Jungkook opened his mouth to protest, before Hoseok shot him an evil glare his way, making Jungkook quickly shut his mouth and nod. Namjoon was now too busy staring at the blonde as he gripped Hoseoks shirt tightly, "Ah, well the little Jimin should head bacl to bed" he hummed and Hoseok immediately nodded, quickly exiting the room, carrying a laughing Jimin back to his room.

Once the two left the room, Yoongi chuckled, "Hoseok is completely in love" he shook his head as Jin threw a pillow at him, "You are all ridiculous! Ugh" he huffed, "I'm going to bed." he growled and got up, walking out of the room. Namjoon and Yoongi were the next to get up and leave, Namjoon mumbling 'goodnight' to the boys.

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