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march 19, thursday

4:21 pm
hey keith

4:29 pm
hey lance

4:31 pm
how's it going?

4:31 pm
good and you?

4:31 pm
pretty good thanks
wanna continue our conversation from yesterday?

4:31 pm

4:31 pm
let me start
do you believe in aliens

4:32 pm
hell yes
introvert or extrovert?

4:32 pm
i would consider myself a extrovert
biggest fear?

4:33 pm

4:33 pm
are you serious?

4:33 pm
name something you hate

4:33 pm
people who chew with their mouth open ugh i can't stand it
any regrets?

4:33 pm
no not really
i think everything happens for a reason

4:34 pm
craziest thing you've ever done

4:34 pm
make a club penguin account without my moms permission

4:34 pm
oh my
seriously though

4:34 pm
i am serious though
literally the most craziest thing and scariest thing i've ever done in life

4:34 pm
l a m e

4:35 pm
oh yeah? what's the craziest thing you've ever done?

4:37 pm
probably eating 29 reese's cups in a minute

4:37 pm
i call bs

4:37 pm
no seriously
it was halloween we got a bunch of reese's cups for the kids trick or treating but hardly any kids came so my siblings thought it was a good idea to see who could eat the most cups in a minute
i stand in second place while my older brother is in first place with just barely 30 (although he threw them up)
we both got sick for about a week but it was worth it

4:37 pm
omg that's awesome

7:37 pm
haha yeah
who's turn is it

7:38 pm
idk i'll go
where do you work?

7:39 pm
oh i work at a cafe
i take people's orders and give them your drinks and stuff

7:40 pm
sounds like a fun

7:41 pm
what's your job?

7:41 pm
i'm a librarian

7:41 pm
no way

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