Airport Incident| Sebastian Stan

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You bump into Sebastian (literally) in an airport on your way to Chicago. After the embarrassing encounter, you end up sitting next to him in first class... for five hours.... :)


You lean against the counter of the food stand, waiting for your lunch. You've been waiting for 20 minutes for a simple chicken sandwich, and the time on your watch is quickly nearing the time when your plane to Chicago leaves.

You tap your foot anxiously, and when the old woman calls your name, you grab your tray and spin around, intending to speed walk to your gate.

Instead, you slam into a hard body and trip over your bags. Your food flies from your hands, spilling all over yourself and the stranger, who instinctively grabs your waist to keep you from falling on top of him.

You stare up into a pair of dark sunglasses, partially obscured by a large hat. For a moment, you stare at the stranger; something feels familiar about his jaw...

You realize you're staring and step back quickly, apologizing profusely.

"I am so sorry, oh my god, this is such a mess" you stutter, noticing how expensive his outfit looks.

"I'd rather eat food than wear it, but I'm alright" says the stranger. Again, something about him rings a bell, but you can't figure it out.

You grab a fistful of napkins and hastily wipe the food of your shirt, and then hand some to the man, your face red with embarrassment.

"Let me at least give you some money to buy you a new shirt" you say, reaching into your wallet to hand him a $20.

"Oh my god no, no no no. I'm fine, really" he says, stepping back, refusing to take your money.

"Please, I really feel bad. That looks like an expensive outfit." You say, holding out the money.

"It's really fine" he chuckles, smiling slightly. Then it hits you; you know that smile.

It used to be your phone background, and it covered posters that lined your bedroom walls for years.

You had just spilled food all over your Celebrity crush, Sebastian Stan.

"O-oh my god. Ummmm" you stutter, suddenly at a loss of words. You nervously check your watch to get rid of the tension, but then you see the numbers on the watch face.

"Oh shit. I have to go!!" You say to Seb, gathering your toppled bags. "I'm going to be late. I'm so so sorry for the shirt!!" You say, backing away, wishing you had the courage to ask for a picture or signature.

You run away, mentally facepalming yourself for being an idiot and spilling your food on your idol. Ignoring your thundering heart, you run to your gate.

Once you arrive, you take a moment to sit down, noticing your group isn't being called for a couple more minutes.

You let your mind wander, replaying your encounter with Seb over and over. Suddenly, you hear your name being called over the loudspeaker: "(Y/N), please come to the front desk".

You rush over, hoping nothing is wrong. The flight attendant smiles at you and says, " Would you like to upgrade to first class? It's free! There is one open singles seat in row 3." Unknown to you, it was from Sebastian's requet, who didn't even know your name, but still.

You immediately accept, knowing the flight is long, so having a comfortable seat will be a blessing.

She hands you a new ticket, and ushers you into the plane. You enter, and look for your seat, 3B.

As your eyes scan the plane, you see a familiar hat out of the corner of your eye. It just so happens that Sebastian is sitting in seat 3A, directly next to you and against the window.

You groan inwardly, still embarrassed about your accident earlier, and put away your bags and sit down. He notices you, and smiles.

"We meet again" he says, grinning.

"Yeahhh" You laugh nervously, brushing your hair out of your eyes. "I'm (Y/N)" you say, sticking out your hand.

"I'm Sebastian" he says, taking off his sunglasses. You are stunned by his beautiful gray-blue eyes. They are stunning in pictures, but they are mesmerizing up close.

"Y-yeah I know. I mean, I know who you are. Not to be creepy, or anything. I just love your movies." You ramble on, embarrassing yourself further.

"Thank you. It's nice to know someone likes them" he says, a sad smile on his face. You remember one of his more recent, smaller films got bad reviews and he was getting hit hard by the media.

"Hey" you say softly, "what they say doesn't mean anything. Really. What matters is that you believe in yourself and do the best you can do. Not everyone will like what you do, and that's ok. You have us fans as backup too. We'll never let you down".

"Thanks. That means a lot" he says, smiling at you and closing his eyes. You face forward as well and settle in for the trip, wondering if you will talk anymore. Trying to calm your beating heart, you settle in and close your eyes.

How could you be so calm while sitting beside your celebrity crush?

SEBASTIAN STAN   ||   ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now