Chapter 3

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Colin couldn’t work anymore. Thinking about Lia frustrated him to no end, and he didn’t seem to know what to say to make things normal between them. He slammed down his paper and picked up the lab phone next to him to call his friend Noah. 

“Hey bro, you wanna meet at Ernie’s?” 

Forget introductions and pleasantries.

“Uh yeah, okay, why not?” His laid back mathematician friend was always up for a beer. He said it helped him think more creatively.

Colin combed back his hair with his hands, and smoothed his shirt. Not that there’s anyone to impress at Ernie’s, but what the hell.

He stood up, his tall 6’4’’ frame filling the doorway as he walked out of the lab. He was a catch, he knew that, but he had yet to have a long-term relationship with a woman. It was all fun and games for him. 

He stepped out into the warm air, breathing in the fresh air. Ernie’s was the local grad student dive bar, conveniently only a block from lab. Colin walked up the familiar steps, looking to the right as he opened the door.

“Hey Turtle.” Colin slapped the bouncer’s shoulder.

“Hey man, what’s up? Any chicks with you tonight?” Turtle knew every patron’s love history, and made sure to keep up to date on the latest happenings. 

“Nah, just me and Noah tonight.”

“Keepin’ it low key, good.”

“I still owe you a game man, maybe later?” Colin and Turtle had a friendly rivalry at the pool table. 

“Sure thing, brother.”

Colin’s eyes adjusted to the dark atmosphere inside the bar. The place smelled of old beer and unbathed graduate students. 

I don’t think Lia would like it here. Ugh, why am I thinking about her again?

“Hey Colin, wassup?” Noah came up behind him, hitting him a too hard on his back.

He was kind of skinny, but muscular. He didn’t realize his strength sometimes. 

“Ouch man, don’t kill me now.” Colin laughed. They were the most unlikely friends, just judging by appearances. Colin was tall and drop-dead gorgeous; Noah was skinny and barely broke 5’8”. Colin teased him about his pretty hair; Noah had shiny brown hair that any girl would envy.

“Beer.” Noah didn’t need to say more than that. 

At the bar, Chad the bartender was busy mixing up some Long Island Ice Teas for a group of women. 

“Hey boys, you want one too?” Their ringleader looked pointedly at Colin, licking her lips and flicking her shiny blond hair. Noah nodded. “Go for her, she’s hot.”

“Sure, I’ll take one.” Why not? I need some fun.

Chad winked at Colin knowingly and gave him a furtive thumbs up. He handed the drink to the blonde woman, and she sauntered over to Colin. “I’m Krystal.” Her blue eyes looked straight at him. “Colin,” he said. She handed him the drink and clinked her glass against his. “Cheers.” He gulped down the strong drink. The alcohol hit him immediately. Krystal wiped his mouth with her manicured fingers, sucking on them. “Yum.” Colin was surprised that he didn’t feel anything when she did that. 

Krystal grabbed his hand. “Come.” She pulled him over to a couch in the corner. “Sit down.” Colin sat, and his eyes followed her long legs in tight jeans all the way to her large chest in a sparkly halter top. Krystal opened her legs and kneeled onto the couch, straddling him. She licked her very full lips.

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