Chapter Three: New Mission

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"Cadet Aymelek, please report to the Bay lab, Cadet Aymelek, please report to the Bay lab. Thank you." The crackle of the speaker above pulled Aymelek from the book she was currently studying. Aymelek looked up, eyeing the instructor. He sighed and glared at her before nodding in affirmation and dismissal.

Aymelek rose, gathering her book and pen, before making her way to the door. A few whispers from behind making her glance back into the room before she disappeared from view. She didn't waste time stopping by her room, instead she went straight to the Bay Lab, a large room filled with computers, monitors, and in the middle of the room, was the male she yearned for, floating in the normal green goopy liquid. A glance around revealed only a few techs at the moment. She sighed and approached the container, hand rising to rest against the glass.

She didn't reach through the bond, she merely stared at him. Her eyes softening upon him. Her eyes, traced every centimeter of his massive head. She longed to run her fingers through that eternal night black fur, to stroke his head and ears in the way she had done before all of this... SHIT had happened. She sighed hearing the entrance of the forsaken BEAST that had cornered them into this situation.

'Soon. My love, Soon.' Her mind whispered as she, finally, reached out through their bond. Her eyes darted to his ear, only a flick of movement, hardly noticeable, but the distinctive beep of the heart monitor nearby was unmistakable. It jumped for a second then faded to the gentle beep once more. It always did that.

She turned, facing the man she so desperately wished to kill and crossed her arms, cocking her hip.

"Summoning me like a trick trained mongrel is despicable. And even more so embarrassing." She sneered baring her fangs at him with hatred.

"You will be focusing on Cadet Ryker Treysaunt. Age 23. Height and Weight are within our configuring adaptability range, and further more, he is an original survivor straight from the town where the virus was first leaked." Schrackner immediately began, ignoring her comment as he approached the table in the middle of the room, a manilla file open in his hands, eyes perusing whatever was holding his interest so captivatingly.

Aymelek sucked her teeth, leaning against the capsule containing her mate as she rolled her eyes. She kept her mouth shut however, silently listening to what he had to say. The doc droned on and on about this, that and the other about why he was convinced this new guy would survive the change, had tested this high on this scale, had completed this and that task. Fed up Aymelek finally approached and slammed her hand, palm down, on the papers, pinning them to the table.

"I've heard enough. I don't care who, what, when, where why or how about this little bastard. The ONLY thing I give a rats ass about is THAT MALE right there. Fair warning, dirtbag, his hiatus is the ONLY thing standing between my CLAWS and your THROAT." She snarled in the doctors face, spittle spraying onto his cheek as she flashed her Hellfire eyes. A clear sign that she would genuinely LOVE to shift and rip out his throat.

The doctor watched her for a long moment, a brief millisecond of fear touched his eyes before he masked it behind a smirk, that Aymelek, quite frankly, wished to slap clean off of his ugly mug.

"Are you finished?" He clipped grasping her wrist, in order to remove the papers, before replacing them, and clasping his hands in front of his face. She glared hatefully, waiting for him to speak.

"Let's revisit our little, deal shall we, Mrs. Aymelek? You do as I say, and I promise your mate will come to no harm. Remember?" He sneered back at her, moving his hand to his coat pocket. He retrieved a hankerchief to remove the spittle from his cheek.

"Not quite how I remember it, Schrackner. So allow me to refresh your memory. You came BEGGING for our help. Drugged, and kidnapped us, before using my mates wellbeing as a LEASH to keep me in line." She snarled back, hate laced every poison dipped word, as she clenched her teeth in an attempt to taper down her ever growing rage.

"Minor details, Mrs. Aymelek. You wish your race to survive, I wish the same for mine. The zombies can't infect your kind. Thus, can you blame me for wishing my kind to have your... capabilities?" He stated with a smirk, as he tucked the handkerchief away into his coat pocket. Aymelek struggled, her fiery anger practically dancing atop her skin with the tingling feeling of wishing she was covered with Schrackners dripping blood.

With a quick motion she would snap the folder shut and rip it from the tables surface, leaving four deep indents from her claws upon the metal table, as she abruptly turned aiming for the door. However, upon reaching it she would pause to mutter a simple warning.

"Play with fire, and expect to be burned, Doc." She quipped over her shoulder before she slipped into the hall. As she disappeared, she wouldn't notice the sliver of vibrant silver that peeked from the depth of inky darkness.

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