Chapter Five: History Lesson

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The incessant buzz of the beast was what awoke her the next morning. Like always, she rose, got dressed, and prepared for her daily ritual. She was staring into the mirror, finishing her hair, when the manilla envelope, which occupied the otherwise desolate, gray desk, caught her eye. She paused, hands on her head, movement ceased as she remembered the plan.

She sighed and blinked, finishing the activity of putting up her hair, before she grabbed her things and making her way to the mess hall. Emotions traipsed through her, a continuous rollercoaster. She needed to get to know the boy. Understand how his mind worked. She chewed her lip, as she rounded the corner to the hall. There he was standing with a couple of other males, talking, waiting to enter.

She paused, watching him for a moment, before she took a deep breathe.

'Moon Goddess, help me.' She thought as she took a deep breathe, put on a sassy smile and made her way over catching his eye she waved, earning a smile and a return wave as he left his friends, immediately meeting her half way.

"Hey your Aymelek right?" He asked placing his hands in his pockets.

'Are we back in pup training school? Even mate had better pick up line.' Her wolf snickered. Aymelek couldn't resist a perfectly timed smirk of amusement.

"Thats me! Ryker right?" She stated chipperly, giggling like a school girl. Her wolf clearly face pawed in her head, rolling her eyes.

The rest of the breakfast, she and Ryker talked. First, it was awkward, just small tidbits of greeting. Their skill sets, memories of before the outbreak. The entire time, Aymelek was cataloguing each and every response, action, and movement she could about him. From the nervous tick of bouncing his knee, to the subtle flicker of his eyes darting about, as if searching for a potential boyfriend to come kick his ass.

This really felt like highschool. Goddess, but this was humiliating. After breakfast they were making their way to their first briefing when the loud speaker, garbled to life.

"Aymelek, please report to Doctor Schrackners office. Immediately." The voice crackled before clicking off.

"Uh oh, looks like your in trouble." Ryker teased bumping her shoulder. She resisted the urge to punch him for daring to touch her, and merely rolled her eyes aiming at a playful appearance as she waved goodbye and made her way in the opposite direction. As soon as she rounded the corner, away from his view, she exhaled in relief. Her head throbbed, and she hadn't been able to count how many times he had bragged about his accomplishments killing the human infecteds. To which she had acted so impressed. It was tiring pretending to be a human, impressed by little things. A giggle here, a subtle flirtatious touch there, and badda Bing badda boom. He was in her palm, revealing his deep dark little secrets.

Her feet carried her automatically to Schrackners office. Knocking she entered, unsurprised to see him sitting at his desk with several papers. His notepad, a chart of human DNA and a sketch of what appeared to be another DNA.

"What do you want?" She growled. While she didn't like the man, she could at the very least be SOMEWHAT cordial and civilized.

"Relax. I'm not poking the wolf today. I want to understand more about your history." He stated simply holding up his hands in surrender. She watched him, wrinkling her nose. There was alot she could tell him, and alot she deffinitely wouldn't be. She sighed, closing the door. Walking over she sat down, crossing her arms. This would be a very long meeting.

•((**Heads Up The Following Are Actual Questions from our Beloved Readers**))•

Q1: How did your race come into existence?
A1: We were an Enigma. A group of humans broke off from the normal, everyday life. Retreated to the woods. They made their own way, guided by the wolf ways. A rabid rogue wolf bit one of the Original tribe, her blood held a unique component, one that not only reversed the mind necrolysis, but reduced it. She turned up fine, time went on. She got married, ended up infecting her mate with the same virus. He also turned out to be fine. They had a family together, consisting of 7 children. It was later discovered that the soil the village was located on was afflicted with a type of chemical, caused by the decomposition of the hemlock plant that grew in adundance in their living location. The chemical had gotten into their bodies, and somehow their bodies adapted. Some died of sickness, some didnt. Natures way of weeding out the weak. During a blood moon, something afflicted her. A type of sickness. Even today it's a mystery what kind of sickness. The sickness... triggered her rage, and the rage afflicted her DNA. She went Rogue, infected nearly the entire village before she was put down. The sickness afflicted many, but alot of them died. All of the Seven children survived the Sickness. However, they had been... altered. Their DNA advanced, the Sickness triggered something in their bodies, unlocked a portion of the brain needed to alter ones appearance, I guess you could say. The siblings went off, infected others by way of the bite or by blood trading. And over time things kinda just... went from there. Now, it is only Natural for us to be able to shift our forms. We have evolved. I guess you could say.

Q2: Why is subject 0192 so important to you, if you can just go out and make a new werewolf mate?

He is my mate. End of discussion.

Q3: How does one Become a Werewolf?

You are bitten by a werewolf or you exchange blood with a werewolf.

Q4: So why haven't you bitten or traded blood with someone to make an army within the base to free your mate?

What makes you think I havent?
It's against our laws for one not of Alpha blood to change a human. Look at it like this. Subordinate blood has been mixed, diluted, and passed through hundreds of blended up types of gene pools. Alpha blood remains pure, which is why the Alpha Position is passed down from Parent to Child. The position can't be won. It's a birth right.

So your saying it's kept pure... does that mean incest?

No. An alpha female who is impregnated by an alpha male, gives birth to twins. This is called the Litter. She is only capable of giving birth once. DNA decides which twin possesses the Lycan Gene, and which one possesses the normal Werewolf gene. Thus, the Lycan Gene always remains pure, and again why the breed has died off. My mate is the last of our Noble heritage.

Q5: So then your mate is an Alpha?

Yes. Obviously.

Q6: Which also makes you an Alpha?

I don't have the Lycan Gene.

He stared at her for a long while, watching her face. She remained impassively bored, waiting with a sigh for his next question. She answered each question as simply as she could. Each answer, carefully constructed, practiced and taught. They had all been prepared, at very young ages for the Humans Questions.

He sighed after a bit.
"That's enough for today, thank you for your compliance. Please go and see Dr. Comers." He stated finally dismissing her, as he focused on his notes.

She abruptly rose from the chair, turning and leaving. She made her way to the doctors office. Her head, roiled over the past 4 hours. She couldn't believe it had taken that long. She sighed rubbing her temple as she entered the doctors office.

"Questioning again huh?" The doctor stated lowly, as she approached and began checking Aymeleks vitals.

"As always." Aymelek responded simply, straightening her back, as she fixed her eyes upon one member of the staff who had long been a friend to her and Jericho. She was the one and only human that had proven herself trustworthy and reliable over and over again.

"A while longer." Dr. Comers encouraged, giving Aymelek a soft squeeze on the shoulder, along with a wink, before she gave her the normal protein injection they all received monthly, and dismissing the girl with a smile. Her way to her room was on autopilot, the proteins kicking in, making her feel drunk, and wobbly. She made her way to her room, and collapsed on her bed, where she spiraled into a dark abyss of dreamless sleep.

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