Chapter 4 - Relief

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The room was red. Huh? Hm. I felt something pass by. The atmosphere was really cold. I feel like I have to go to the bathroom. If I weren't potty-trained I would've just peed here. But I am a disciplined girl. I have to find my way out of here, then I can earn my bathroom break. There were 2 huge statues standing before me, it was in the shape of a girl kneeling. The one was red, the other one's blue. There was a door, but as usual it was locked. There was a key sticked to the painting of this lady wearing a red dress. It reminded me of my mom because she sort of looks like her. I tried to grab the key but then the painting started to shake. The lady had half of her body in the frame and half out. She started to chase me, so I ran away from her. I noticed the key fell on the floor, so I got it as fast as I can but she grabbed my leg! She was pulling me towards her painting. I struggled. Being grabbed by the foot is totally not my thing! I didn't know what to do, so I tried breaking the painting itself. 

She stopped grabbing my foot and crawled away from me. She sounded like she was suffocating. I didn't focus at her that much anymore since I do have the key. I opened the door and it was filled with books! Do you know that I like reading? I locked the door, spent a few minutes reading some of the books. None of them were interesting though. Then an earthquake occured. A book was falling out from the shelf. It seemed different than most books I picked out. So I began reading it.


One day, a group of friends were celebrating Carrie's birthday. "Happy birthday!" They all greeted Carrie. Carrie thanked them. "For your special day, we made you a Galette de Rois!" Naomi said. "What's that?" Carrie asked. "There's a coin in this pie, and if you eat the slice with the coin in it, then you'll be a happy person for the rest of your life!" Naomi explained. "That sounds like fun!" Carrie exclaimed. "Doesn't it?" Naomi said. "We should slice this into four now." Kyle suggested."Okay, let's divide it up!" Naomi added. "Alright, now pick your prefered piece!" Naomi commanded. "Let's eat!!" Everyone said.

Everyone ate happily and shared jokes with each other. NOM.... MUNCH! "Wow, I think I swallowed something really hard." Carrie said. "That must be the coin!" Alex predicted. "The coin isn't that big, you'll be fine!" Carrie said. "I should clean this up now!" Carrie added. Carrie ran into her mother in the hallway. Mother wasn't pleased. "What's wrong, Mother?" Carrie asked. "Have you seen the key to the library?" She asked. "Key to the library? But it was just.." Carrie stopped and checked the table, the key wasn't there but the coin was. "...There in the table.. Could it be..." Carrie continued. "Where could it be? Oh, my dear would be so upset.." Mother told herself and left. "What do.... I do.." Carrie thought for a very long time she didn't realized she dropped the cake cutter.

"Wow, I'm just as careless as Carrie! Hahaha!" Naomi told herself as she cut Carrie wide open using the cake cutter, removing the key from her stomach. It was as easy as baking a pie! "Mother! I found the key! You can open it now!" 


That was.. A very nice storybook? I left the book back in its place and opened the door. There was a vase on top of a table and a painting of a vase entitled "Eternal Blessing". I decided to search some more since I have no clue on what to do here. I saw a dead person! Agh! A dead person! He could be asleep, or in pain. I swear I can hear him groaning. I went near him and asked if he's okay. He just groaned. I don't think he's any help at all, he is holding a key. Should I take it? Maybe I should. I continued on the corridor and saw another statue.. I tried pushing away the statue but I didn't have the strength for it. I went to the other corridor and saw trails of blue petals on the ground. I decided to follow it since it looked suspicious. I then spotted a door, could the key be for the door? I wondered. I always wonder, this is one of my habits that mom told me to stop. I opened and saw the same lady I saw in the other room, but this time, she was in blue! I didn't dare move. But it seems that she was tearing off a blue rose. A rose similar to mine, but blue. Maybe the rose is for the man on the ground? I don't know. But I have a feeling I should get it. I had to move quietly. Unfortunately, my shoes had an inch heel so it made a tiny noise. I hid behind a shelf and saw the lady crawling her way, finding out where the sound came from. My heart started pounding again. My mouth was creating a ball of salive and I had no choice but to swallow it. I gulped. The lady in blue heard me and started crawling fast towards me! I dropped the bookshelf down to her and she got smacked by it. I couldn't tell if she was unconscious, or dead. But I had to get the rose and get out of here.

The rose only had one petal left. I ran to the unconscious man and tried giving it to him. " it..t.. wa..water..." He said in a soft voice. I should give the rose some water? I suddenly remembered that there was a vase in the corridor earlier. I went to the vase and placed his rose. The blue rose suddenly bloomed and now I can see ten petals in it. I was about to place my rose in the vase, hoping it would work too, but then a short earthquake ocurred, causing me to accidentally break the vase. The water spilled on the floor... Maybe some other time then. I went back to the man and he was now sitting on the floor. 

I carefully gave him the rose, who knows, he could be a monster. "Ugh, mmm.. What's this, the pain's gone!" He exclaimed. He then stared at me and got really scared. He quickly stepped away from me. "EEK! Stay away from me! What do you want!" He shouted at me. I couldn't help but just stare at him since I really had no clue what he was shouting about. "Wait," He went towards me, slowly but carefully I see. "Could you've been somebody from the gallery?!" He asked. "Yes." I replied. "Oh, thank heavens! There's someone here beside me!" He felt relieved. "How did you get here?" He asked again. "I really don't know." I replied back. "I see... So you don't know how things got to this point, either. It seems your situation was much like mine, I must say." He said. He then grabbed the rose and stared at it. "Not to mention, this rose, when it loses its petals, wounds appear on my body. I thank you for getting it back, I thought I was a goner back there." He said. "You're welcome." I replied. "Oh! I haven't told you my name yet. I'm Garry! And you are?" He grinned at me. "I'm Ib." I introduced myself.

"Ib.. Ib you say."

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